Intense cramping after small breakfast?

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So, this is pretty common. I dont over eat so I know the cramps arent from that! I also dont eat to fast. I just casually snack and then as soon as I'm done I'm doubled over in cramps! I'm almost 28 weeks and this has been pretty common throughout my pregnancy! Anyone know whats causing this? I dont see it as a serious issue, but just kinda wanna know whats going on!

Thanks you :D


  • Never mind! I couldnt find it online for the life of me but as soon as I post this I find it!

    You can also get stomach cramps after eating as a result of the decreased space available in your abdominal cavity for your stomach. Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, in their book "What To Expect When You're Expecting," note that particularly late in the second and through the third trimester, the space available for your body organs decreases dramatically. What would normally be a reasonably-sized meal all of a sudden becomes far too much to put in your stomach, given limited space, and can cause stomach upset
  • I guess the nutter butters and milk is too much for my tummy lol
  • This has been happening to me too! After I eat a lil in the morning I get horrible cramps in the upper part of my belly! So id like to know whats going on. Im 35+3 weeks..
  • Lol u had nutter butters for breakfast. That's awesome
  • @thetrondsons1st The site online said that its from the baby getting so big that theres not a whole lot of room in out stomach and normal sized meals become to much for our stomach to handle, which results in cramping and even nausea :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused!
  • All I had was a gulp of milk! Boo
  • @sara102011 My husband always keeps a big box for me :) He has oreos and I have nutter butters and we share a bowl of milk to dip in lol we're strange!
  • @thetrondsons1st I know! It sucks!!!!!!
  • I should send that article to my mil... considering I'm only allowed to eat 3 times a day n the b***h doesn't understand I can't eat a lot at once
  • @damiens_mommy I definitely would if I were you! :)
  • I happy I seen this post because I have the same thing sometimes after I eat. Thanks
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