Oh wow.. thee last time ihad an ultrasound was when I found out her sex at 20 weeks... im gonna ask can she check her weight... I doubt it@ mrswilliams
Wife had scan today 34wks and was 4lb4oz roughly. Next scan in 2 weeks as previous kids with growth restriction problem. If not enough change will be delivered at 36 weeks.
At 30 weeks they told me my baby weighed 4 lbs 10 oz and to expect to have at least a 8pounder. Which is pretty big for me cause all my other girls were under 7lbs.
@thehumancrockpot I'm not sure but I heard that a good estimate is adding ur birth weight and the father's birth weight and dividing by 2. For my bff, it was correct to the ounce.
@MrsWilliiams ...yup and right now she is almost my birth weight an not that close to my husbands. He was a 13lb baby:( My specialist is having me drink more then4 lieters of water a day now because the fluid is low and he is concerned she won't make it to 36 weeks
She said they could be off but only by an oz or 2 & my Dr predicted a 7 & half pound baby if i last til my due date Nov 8th but im being induced Nov 1st So we will see.
Thanx I am sure the lil man will be fine. However remembering how to dress something that small may be something else lol.
@paxtonsmama @darknesofnight4u @littlenat86 @perfectlyimperfect I wonder how accurate these estimates may or may not be.
My daughters was 6 pounds and almost 5 pounds (she was not full term))) so idk