**Any moms that gave birth and had spd or bad pelvic pain through pregnancy** (post from 2011)

I'm about 12 days away from my due date. I want to have a vaginal delivery (with pain meds & epidural) but I wouldn't mind a c-section.

I was wondering if having a vaginal delivery would make the pain worst? After and during. As of right now I can't even open my legs while laying down I cry in excruciating pain, sitting down, putting pants on, getting in the tub, turning over in bed, even sitting up after laying down for ten mins hurts so bad :(

I don't know if a c section would be better in my case? Or if vaginal would be okay? but I can't even open my legs without pain, the epidural should numb me but how about after and during?

Anyone that has advice or an opinion or anything please help I can go in labor any day now.

@homebirthadvocate I know your a home birth advocate (lol) but do you have any advice??


  • I had it with my last 2 deliveries and u can deliver vaginal especially if u have an epidrual ull never even know about the pain. With my last child I was up and moving normally after I gave birth. Bit for my son who was the worst for the spd it took a few weeks to heal. But again u cab still deliver naturally no need for a c section
  • Honestly, as long as you have your epi or iv pain meds, I would hope the pelvic pain would at least be controlled. Although I haven't had a c-sec, I recommend a vaginal delivery. Yes, you will be sore for a few days or maybe even a little longer, however, you will heal faster from a vaginal delivery than a c-section.
  • @mama2be11_4_11 right its so annoying! They don't know what it is. They keep sayin its my ligaments but my ligaments been stretching so much I'm used to it and It's not even the same kinda pain. I get mad too when I have to explain to them..

    @kailiasmomma05 that's good to know that I can still have it vaginally, what if the epidural wears off though, I'm getting kinda scared kuz if it does wear off while I'm pushing or when I'm about to push I know I definitely won't be able to handle the pain I can barely handle it now and I'm not in full labor.

    @misskristen I think I'm just scared of when the epi wears off :/ healing faster does seem nicer though. but even if I end up having an emergency c section I do have lots of help to watch and take care of the baby until I feel better.

    Thanks guys for replying :)
  • all that pain subsides after labor.. for me i didnt have much pain.. after.. and before i was in constant pain.. believe me the after pain from a major surgery and from a natural procsses it much different.. csec are painful so yeah .. good luck
  • I had sever spd with my last two pregnancies one I had an epi with it didn't bother me the epi wore off bout 10 min before pushing and since honestly the counter pressure from the babies head descending gives u some relief that's how my doc explained it to me. With this last one I went all natural n this one was the worse for spd and it was hard to change positions but honestly the pain of labor is so much worse that u can hardly notice the spd as long as uir not moving around so much. When it came time to push the urge is so strong and iut gives u such relief that all u wanna do is push. I had a precipitous labor meaning from full dialation to baby being out went real FAST. 2 good pushes n she was out. The most damaging part for recovery after with spd is prolonged pushing. So if u get an epi let them turn it off a few min before u start pushing so u can tune into your body and really push right and get ur little one out fast to minimize any damage. If ur planning a medicated labor my advice is to get the epi the pain meds thru iv don't offer u enough relief I felt it only put me in lala land but I still felt the pain I was just to fuzzy to do ne thing. Good luck to you. My little princess is 3 weeks old now and my spd is just fully gone away thank god! I thought it would take longer.
  • I had major pelvic pain EXACTLY how you're describing it! I had my daughter vaginally, the pain was gone as soon as I delivered my daughter! Well from the point I had my epidural actually lol.. csection recovery is a lot worse and painful, my friend had a csection 3 weeks ago my daughter was 3 weeks old at the time.. I've been helping her with her baby since she had him! Yesterday we went to walmart and target then she had to go home bc she started hurting after walking around for 2 hrs. And at this point she's feeling A LOT better than before. I've been able to walk around and do pretty much everything around the house and stuff since 1 week pp
  • When the epidural wears off after baby you'll feel fine, I had tears and stitches down there dr perscribed pain meds that I never used!
  • I have had that with both of my kids and pregnancy now and I delivered vaginal and it was like instant relief
  • edited October 2011
    @lae3 you have a point there.. lol and thank you.

    @shayshay oh okay I see so the trick is to get her out fast. Got it. I'm happy your doing good now and its fully gone ! I forgot how it feels to move and not be in pain it must be heaven :) and thank you for sharing.

    @lily_gilz did your doctor diagnose you with spd? Gosh I can't wait to get epidural now, I'm happy it went away for you :) this pain is no joke :/ I'm happy your friend is feeling better too.

    @agoodloe :) so vaginal it is !

    Thank youu everyone its made me feel better and understand that c section is a major surgery which will be more painful and vaginal is natural. So I guess c section is a no go.. unless its an emergency.
  • I had spd with both my pregnancys so bad I was on crutches I had a vaginal delivery with the first with an epi but baby was big and turned diagonal in the birth canal. I pushed for two hours aNd his shoulders got stuck so they had to yank open my legs during the pushing i felt the spd pain as the epi will not take that away also after I couldn't walk properly for over a year.
    The next time I asked for a c-section and the pain was gone straight away its been so different this time round I'm so glad I had the section.

    I am the extreme case so this hopefully won't happen to you I would still advise having a vaginal delivery if its your first as its the safer way for both you and your baby. Xxx
  • @Tammy Omg ! :( that sounds horrible and extremely painful ! I'm soo sorry you went through that. & Yes this is my first. Hopefully everything will be okay and the pain will be gone after. I'm guna try for a vaginal delivery as much as I can.
  • Yeah go for it even though I had a lot of pain I have a happy healthy now toddler it was worth it all and I would do it again lol.
  • @Tammy well that's good. Happy and healthy is always good to hear. :)
  • Bump bump bump!!
  • @MommyLovesSparkle I had all those symptoms as well and I just had a vaginal birth on10/07 with an epidural. I think recovery with a csection is going to be much worse. I'm still hurting but not as bad as before...
  • @sasha_r1983 yeah I'm guna go for vaginal, did you doctor diagnose you with spd?
  • I wasn't diagnosed. . She said it was hips and pelvis spreading to make room for baby. So normal.
    Bit man it was bad!! One time after I laid down for a bit I was sooooo scared to sit up bc of the pain so I went from laying to straight standing up and It was just as bad if not worse! I almost fell bc of the pain, everything was popping grinding it was terrible.. definitely doesn't seem "normal "
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  • Why would u need pain meds if u have epi? For fun? LOL
  • @lily_glz my doctor didn't either :/ she is full of sh*t lol the pain is too bad and I do that too I just go straight to standing, Idk how many times I feel down to my knees kuz of the pain.. it hurts soo bad it can't be "basic" pain.. & Yup I hear you on popping and grinding ugh I hate itt !

    @thehumancrockpot It's symphisis pubic dysfunction. The worst pain ever !

  • Owch, I just looked up what that is! There are some useful tips on google for good positions and techniques for birthing with SPD. Maybe look into it and go over it with your doctor? Kind of like an informal birth plan, to reduce the pain. I hope this gets better for you!
  • You guys are making my bones ache :(

    Alana sweetie you gotta come out to make your mommies pain go away! :X

    This reminds me of the pain with jrs head grinding on my pubic bone.. :'( OUCH!
  • @bigtalkingtori thank you :) its really painful :/ but I'm guna Google it now I didn't think to Google birthing techniques for spd thanks for the idea :)

    @MrsMitchell03 believe me mama it is, that's why I'm constantly in bed & it comes back with every pregnancy.. oh joy.

    &yes tell my meanie daughter to come out already lol

    &Awww :( I don't even know if I felt that yet but it sounds painful
  • @jtmoon98 that's great :) I'm happy to hear stories that it goes away .
  • edited October 2011
    @jtmoon98 Omg I see now. That's why I got it my mom and grandmas were tryna figure out today why none of them had it but I do. I was in dance all through high skool and was very very flexible.. who knew that the thing I loved the most would hurt me. that's a big shock ! I would think that being flexible would help.. guess not. Lol. Ooh I don't wana even think about them wanting to shift back together ! Talk about painful! Oh and my doctor didn't even know what spd was so I wasn't diagnosed but I know I have it without a doubt this pain can't be "normal"
  • I feel so bad that you have this :( how many kids do you want now? Lol

    Yes! Jr wants to see his gf :X

    Ya it was terrible. He had a slght bruise on his forehead when he came out and a cone head :(
  • @MrsMitchell03 just one more but like 53843828 years from now lol I'm okay though I can make it until she's out I did it since 29weeks I know I can do it for 10 more days :) ..or so .

    Awww I wana see his gf too ♥ I can't wait to get her newborn pictures done! I wana make her a white angel like tutu and a huge white flower and diamonds headband and get like little white wings and stuff I can't wait <3 I just gota get material and stuff and I can make them for her :)

    I remember you telling me that :( but now hims perfect ! Ashley I'm totally not even joking he's too gorgeous! His cheeks and everything I just wana hug him all upp! Lol.
  • You can do it :)

    That sounds adorable! We havent gotten his pictures done :'( thank you hun :) i cant wait to see miss alana! :X
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