
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
What does it mean when u have dreams about having like 50 positive pregnancy test and I'm not pregnant yet?????


  • Dreams can mean anything... if you're dreaming you might be pregnant, do a test and find out! x
  • I believe dreams can b symbolic...same thing happened 2 me last february and every month I obsessed over it bc of that dream ...well as soon as I said screw it I'm nuts that month I got a big ol positive so its possibly things 2 come? Keep me posted!
  • I took a test on the other day and it was neg then the dreams started the following day
  • Make n appt to make sure! Maybe someone else is prego. I'm preg n been having messed up dreams like abandoning my daughter n it kills me everytime I wake up the feeling I get from those dreams suck
  • It might be that u go to bed thinking about it or u r constantly thinking about it so ur subconscious in ur sleep about it and start having the dreams..but hopefully everything goes how u want it to good luck!
  • Well we have the attitude if it happens it happens so I'm haven't really been thinking about it alot
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