gagging baby... scared

edited October 2011 in Babies
my baby is a week and 2 days old and she does this gagging thing and it scares the crap out of me!!!!!!!!!!! it starts to look like shes choking and cant breath... does anybody elses baby do this... is it normal


  • kids did that when the milk went up in their nose. Is it while feeding?
  • might b reflux? my bby has it && its so scary
  • My baby did that while we were still at the hospital & the nurse told me it was because of mucus was probably still in her lungs and later that day she coughed had & spit up mucus & haven't been gagging since!
  • My 3 year old did it for the first like month especially wen I wuld lay him down the Dr sed they probably jus didn't clean him out real good wen he was born .
  • edited October 2011
    @Mama_luvs_her_girls no its more like after or just randomly

    @niliibby2 imma have to ask her doctor
    @MissQ1stTimeMommy2B & @Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo hmmm when she was born she swallowed a bunch of fluid so they had to take her from me real quick so they could suction her out so maybe thats what it is
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  • @MarinesAngel its so scary I'm status that at night she's gonna choke or something in her sleep
  • My baby did the same thing! It is terrifying. She was diagnosed with acid reflux. She still occasionally has an episode like that, but she's on Zantac and formula for acid reflux. The Zantac helped alot.
  • @newmomma13 my dr said it's completely normal to have that happen. It scared me too when it first happened (he's a month old now and doesn't do it anymore) but she said it's bc babies have extremely sensitive gag reflexes so any kind of tickle will do that. He would randomly gag and I would be nervous but he's fine I would just make sure if he had been laying down when it happened to just turn him to his side in case there was gonna be spit up. He never did spit up when he gagged though. It could be from reflux just note how frequently it happens and how soon after feedings it happens and talk to the pediatrician. If you notice it's more frequent after feedings try to keep her in a more upright position for 20-30 mins after she's done to help keep contents in her belly better.
  • Babies do that my son did doctor said it was normal it wore off after a week or so
  • My dr told me its normal.
    @mam082711 did a great job of explaining it
  • Yea probably is . I put him n his bed one nite an he wasn't crying or nuthn but sumthn told me to wake up an check on him an I did an he was choking scared me to death he's bed in my bed wit me every since that nite .
  • Is she congested at all. My daughter used to do it a lot and would actually throw up because of it. In her case it was because the snot was runningdown the back of her throat :(
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