i cant do this anymore!!

edited October 2011 in Babies
I can't handle the screaming anymore! Nothing works! I'm about ready to just give up and leave


  • You should to take her to the pediatrician to make sure she is ok. We all go through this stage and it's hard, but it will pass. Remain calm...try ad hard as you can, the more angry and frustrated you are the worse it will be.
  • I'm taking her on Monday. I have been calm around her. But I'm so stressed. And I have no help. I'm just ugh idk
  • Try giving your baby a bath that always calms my daughter when she is having a bad day
  • I think my pediatrician's paperwork said to call if there's 2hrs of inconsolable crying. But take a break put her in her crib and take a 10 minute breather. So long as she's in a safe place a little crying won't hurt her.
  • *hugs* your not alone and your doin fantastic
  • I'm glad you have an appt for her. What about you? Maybe you should talk to your OB about how you're feeling and also try to work out a different arrangement with bd so you can get some relief. He needs to help you more.
  • I remember feeling like that with my first. I know it sounds awful but I just wanted to shut her up. I remember the horrid thoughts about leaving her and disappearing. Just put baby down somewhere safe and go and chill out. It does get better I promise. My daughter did settle if the Hoover was on x x
  • Ya my pedi didn't say anything about crying. As long as there's no temp and she's going potty apparently its fine...I tried a bath last night n it didn't help. And yes I've had to walk away multiple times. I actually bring the baby monitor outside and I sit in the car and cry and smoke a cig. Idk what else to do whn I'm that frustrated. I really hope it gets better n I need help. I think I have severe ppd and I cnt do this alone
  • Like right now she's been up since 7 and its almst 1 and she's crying in her crib I need a shower and I'm just exhausted
  • When my mom was home alone with us she used to bring the swing into the bathroom and put us in it when she showered and she would play peek a boo behind the curtain
  • She screams in her swing and bouncy seat. I had to do that last night
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  • My daughter hated being swaddled at first but once she realized I wasn't trying to kill her she loved it. I know its stressful but if she can feel your stressed then its gonna stress her. Try putting her in her stroller and going for a walk fresh air might be good for both if you, or try going for a drive and see if she'll fall asleep.

    Does your bf help you?
  • Try giving her a little gripe water... See if it makes a difference. It helped with my son.
  • I use gripe water. And I have tried swaddling her and she doesn't like it. She does like to be cuddle close just not wrapped up. And no my bf doesn't really help. He only wants her when she's falling asleep to cuddle with. He hasn't changed a diaper since the hospital and has fed her maybe 5 times, never bathed her, never changes her clothes...nothing. I'm pretty much a singlemom
  • Purple cry? My hospital made us watch the video on it before we left. How old is your baby?
  • What is that? She's 6wks
  • Try rubbing her with lotion. Massage it into her.
  • I tried with the lavender stuff and it just freaked her out. Ugh
  • I think you should talk to your doc about ppd. It doesnt just go away and it needs to be treated. I think what you are feeling is somewhat normal, but with everything you have going on...it only complicates the normalcy of having a newborn. When it comes to your bf, you have to make him do more. If you don't start now it will always be this way. Assign him things to do...just make him do something! Talk to his family if you have to. He needs to step up. There is a reason that the saying, it takes a village to raise a child, because its true! You can't do it all alone...its impossible. I just feel so bad for you...I wish I could help.
  • Have u tried lyin her on her tummy? I used to lie my son on his tummy and rub his back and he loved it! He hated being swaddled! He also got to the stage where he hated lyin down and would prefer to be propped up! Im sorry if ppl have already suggested these thing but i didnt have time to read all the comments! Good luck
  • @DreaMaria I know I have ppd. I've been having dreams about committing suicide. Really vivid dreams. I need help. I've tried gettin him to help and he just whine or leaves her in her crib if she's fussy. His family is on his side. We don't speak to his mom and his dad thinks he's always right. His dad bitched at me for leaving ayva to cry cuz I needed to walk away before I lost it. And said that she shouldn't b crying like that and I'm obviously doing something wrong

    @denois yes she does lay on her tummy but only if she's already asleep othewise she fusses. And at this point she hates being inclined, which is another issue for me. Ugh
  • Call your doc first thing in the morning and let him/her know what's going on. Ppd is nothing to mess with. Try giving her a little warm peppermint water in a bottle. That use to settle my son down we also used to run the vaccum all the time in order to get him to go to sleep. Needless to say we were young parents at the time and went through multiple vaccums and put a hole in the carpet from just letting it run before we thought about just recording it and playing it over and over. Is your parents around to help you? Or maybe another family member or a friend to just take her for a little while
  • I'm about to kill my bf he woke her up instead of just hushing her back to sleep when she fussed
  • So now I have to deal with her with no nap or food or anything
  • I'm ready to just fucking leave
  • Does she like riding in the car? That might make her stop crying.
  • Take a deep breath sweetpea. Try the tea or the peppermint water.
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  • have u tried turning on the vacuum next to her? sometimes it helps quite them at least for a few min...my nephew had colic and he cried all day long for 10 or 12 weeks, he eventually just grew out of it and he is now a happy healthy 8mo old! it WILL get better, hang in there and get someone to talk to you have to let it out...im here for support if u need it
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