I couldn't get the can opener to work and really wanted some spaghetti os. I got all frustrated and starter banging my can opener on the can. All I got was an empty stomach nd a dented can
I cried at the end of The Notebook, a movie that I've seen about three hundred billion times. And I cried when the guys wouldn't watch P.S. I Love You with me... then they did. Hilarious thing was that me and my bf went to bed before the end, the other two stayed up late to finish the movie. XD lmao!
I know Ive posted this before, but it happens everytime! I cry when I see the commercial for that show "Coming home" on Lifetime, about the soldiers coming home and suprising their children. It never fails!! When it comes on now, I walk out of the room
@mschop aw... man its justterrible... all the emotions
@Newmommy17 tat commercial gets me too.I just saw it the other dy and I bawl. I bawled at deal or no deal last week cause they brought his daughters in who he hadn't seen in a while I was never emotional but geeze
I cried because they put onion on my salad at tgi fridays! My hubby was like omg don't cry they will fix it, but I was SO HUNGRY! I didn't want to wait! The stupid menu did NOT say onions! GROSS!!
I cried for 2 days for nothing for no reason what so ever what on earth is that all about :$ my hubby bless him would come and give me a cuddle everytime he saw me cry it made me feel loads better :-D till the next time I started lol by time all the crying was done my eyes looked like 2 pillows and I have done nothing but slept coz the crying tired me out lol
Omg spaghettios lmao I had bought the store brand and they just tasted like the metal can...I cried and didn't eat them lol now I only buy the real ones....oh and if you add some cheddar or mozzarella mmmmmmm
Yeah the other day i was upset with my boyfriend and left for work and as i got in my car i hit my ear on the car..and bam..i started balling..lol...it felt like my life was shit @ that point...ahh geez
I cry over everything. Jersey shore, teen mom 2, lol the food network. I cried like a baby last week at my baby appt for no reason at all, I think I scared my dr haha
I will admit I cry at almost everything but am that person who will never cry in front of someone for feat of looking silly. I hold it in and that makes it worse. New mommy to be- what part of jersey shore made you cry, was it sammy and ronnies break up? I can't believe I would cry at that, lol. I am happy I am not alone.
I'm in the process of getting my carpets removed in my apt and before they started my bf ripped up a corner in the living room and said "this is gonna look really bad" so I cried lol...oh and Sunday I cried HARD at the movie monsters inc lol
I cried at the end of The Notebook, a movie that I've seen about three hundred billion times. And I cried when the guys wouldn't watch P.S. I Love You with me... then they did. Hilarious thing was that me and my bf went to bed before the end, the other two stayed up late to finish the movie. XD lmao!
@Newmommy17 tat commercial gets me too.I just saw it the other dy and I bawl. I bawled at deal or no deal last week cause they brought his daughters in who he hadn't seen in a while I was never emotional but geeze
New mommy to be- what part of jersey shore made you cry, was it sammy and ronnies break up? I can't believe I would cry at that, lol. I am happy I am not alone.