Gag reflexes...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have not had problems with nausia or vomiting like at all throughout my pregnancy, but for some reason I can not handle my toothbrush! Now I have never had easy gag reflexes but it seems every time I brush my teeth I gag/puke. Anyone else have this problem our am I completely alone?


  • Same! No morning sickness but my tooth brush, mouth wash, or coughing too much after I eat causes me to gag.
  • I know ur pain last preg the whole 9months I was like that and now im 17wks this preg and still like that I can't even look at some foods or hear about them.I told my hubby I feel like my teeth are always dirty bc I brush n throw up and brush and throw up over n over.endless cycle.I do notice if I brush really really slow and its really quite and im relaxed and don't brush too far back on my tongue I can't get threw wit just gaging and not puking.good luck
  • Thanks ladies
  • Me too! No morning sickness, but thus past week my nose has been so super sensitive that if anything smells a bit off, I gag, gag, **GAG** and I've never really had a sensitive gag reflex either. So weird. My toothbrush sets it off too.
  • Same here. Had to buy a tongue scraper cause I can't brush my tongue without vomiting.
  • If I wait to long to eat I start gagging,and certain smells seem so strong bow and make me gag. Lol
  • I had the toothbrush thing when I was pregnant with my daughter, I started using a children's toothbrush, a really small one and children's toothpaste that was fruity flavored and it helped a lot
  • @salsabia I wish I could use a tongue scraper but I have three tongue bars and a scraper just gets caught on them so I guess I am stuck wigh gagging on my toothbrush
  • me too esp when brushing towards the back... yuck!! :0&
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