really upset

Had a dr app today and I'm sad my best freinds wedding is sat and I'm scheduled for induction Friday I'm part of her wedding ..... I'm 3 days past due with no signs of labor help I'm 3 centemeters ..... 70%affaced I just want to cry ....... she's never let me down and i feel like I am on her day I already missed out on her batch because it was in Vegas


  • I'm sure she will understand 100%
  • What you're feeling is perfectly normal. First you are over due which is so frustrating and now it's causing you to not be there for someone you love. You can't be there at two places at once but you can still love two people at once. :) I'm sure she understands. Once baby is here your heart will be at peace. You're a great friend and Mommy for feeling the way you do. It'll be okay in the end.
  • That's too bad but you need to do what is good for you and baby. She will understand!
  • @Mrs4c thanks for the encouraging words
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