Tomorrow COULD be the day. I need all the dust I can get.

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So I go in to L&D at 5:30 am tomorrow morning (Tuesday) to ATTEMPT the induction process. Doc says my cervix just isn't changing on its own, so he is going to do two rounds of cervidil (each take 12hrs) then check and see how cervix is doing. If there is change or my Blood pressure is unstable, he will start pitocin and we will have our baby... if no change and blood pressure stays stable (I've been having blood pressure issues for 2 weeks, on top of gestational diabetes) then he is going to just send me home sometime Wednesday after the 2 rounds of cervidil and wait another week or so.
I thought I'd be soooo happy to have a date to go into the hospital but I'm so bummed. I don't want to lay in a hospital for 24 hours just to be sent home with out our baby.
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, dump all the labor & cervix changing dust on me that you have to spare.

Either I or my husband (westnbaby) will be updating on this thread throughout the process.

& I know lots of October babies are coming soon.. good luck to everyone! & congrats to all the new October babies that are arriving daily!


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