38weeks6days, baby measures 6lbs11oz - 21th percentile. but i have a question?

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone else had an ultrasound so close to their duedate, & how accurate was it for you? I know that ultrasounds can be as much as 1lb8oz off or something like that... I've been having frequent ultrasounds since about 28weeks, & he's been measuring in the 25th-21th between then & now. If mine was right I'm looking at a 7lb baby on Friday, sounds good to me! I can't wait! :)


  • I had mine around 38 weeks and they said he was 8.11 and I am over due and still waiting to see how big he really is. My last baby was 9.11
  • If you've had a ton of u/s and they've all said pretty much the same thing, then yours are probably fairly accurate. At my last one for my oldest, it said she was 8lbs 6 oz, but she was actually 7 lbs 6 oz at birth.
  • i had one at 40wk+ and the dr mesured him at 7lbs.. he was 8lbs12oz
  • I had one at 37+5 estimated weight was 8lbs 6oz. He was born at 41+3 and weighed 9lbs 9oz so it was accurate for me.
  • They estimated my baby to be 4 pounds 15 ounces at 35+3...and she was 6 pounds 8 ounces born 40+2 weeks.
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