For all my oct mommies with stubborn babies

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
Well our pregnancies are closing in and are were probably all questioning the big fat WHEN!?!?
I think we need to relax the mind & know its coming soon. So heres a big fat WOOOOOSAAA for us :)


  • I have 6 days left... But my son went over by 5 days and I think this little girl will too :-( my hospital will allow a full 10 days past due date before induction... *sigh* it will happen when its supposed to so just enjoying the last of my quiet time with my son before he has to share me
  • I'm due tomorrow...well actually today since it hit 12
    N I hvent had any symptoms or contractions plus I'm a ftm so idk wht to expect
    Im so anxious its crazy that I can b this nervous!!!
  • Being induced tomorrow at 1am! I'm a ftm and thought I was in labor the other day went in but my contractions weren't consistant. So I'm glad I'm being induced cuz I obviously don't know when I should go in lol
  • @Jensensmommy15 I was induced with my first 2 and I feel like a first time mom. I am not sure if the contractions I feel are real or not lol. I thought I was in real labor a couple times and must not have been cause I am still here and 4 days over due.
  • im not due for another twelve days, but my mother had both me and my little brother at 42 weeks, so im just preparing myself for that, being two weeks late is going to be difficult. im just worried if this baby keeps growing ill have to have a c section or be induced at 40 weeks bc he/she is already almost 8 lbs and im only 38 weeks :( but everytime i ask my doc she always says, were going to try for natural labor until something goes wrong bc thats what u were adamant about. thank god she isnt like, lets just do a c section, no questions asked, i just need reassurance my anxiety is getting the best of me...
  • Me too. I hate this waiting game & it sending my mind on a wild goose chase making it so hard to relax!
  • I'm 38 weeks today and getting induced next week for high blood pressure. But I wanted to say don't stress if you aren't feeling contractions! I was dilated to 1 at my 36 weeks appt and she checked me today and I'm a 3! With no contractions.
  • I am being induced tomorrow morning!
  • @traci84lucas yay!!!then give me your labor dust lol what time do u go in?
  • I'm due in 9 days as of tomorrow and praying to God I dont go over! I'm 2cm and very randomly contracting.
  • I am 7 days over and sssssooooooo ready... hopefully soon! Have my 41w appt tomorrow so we will see how it goes!!
  • Im 40wks+2.... so ready to have this baby!
  • 8days till due date!! am happy for the moms havin their babies but am kinda jealous!! Gettin soo anxious now, just hopin I dnt go over due!!
  • oh yeah aint that the truth.. lol..
  • I am supposed to be induced today but the hospital doesn't have a room yet...I'm about to go nuts waiting around!
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