Has anyone tried colic calm? My newborn eats good but at night screams for hours with a tummy ache so i was wondering if anyone had tried it and what the results were.. Thanks
Thanks @jtmoon98 the dr told me not to change my diet to continue to eat what I was, bc I had tried to cut out gassy foods ect but it didnt help. but i did get the colic calm and praying it works b/c 4 hours of non stop crying in the middle of the night is killing me and I have another child that she is waking up screaming!
I hope it works for you, it didn't do anything for my daughter. I'm not sure what her issue is though lol. I wish I could send you mine, it's expensive!
@sophiasmom11 I got the colic calm at CVS it was 19.99 but so far it has helped, today has been a bad day but I havent given it to her I try to only give it to her at night when she is really fussy! But beware it's black!