Omg...My C-section incision is leaking!
I'm 9 days PP and when I woke up this morning my c-section incision was leaking a pus with a foul odor. I called the dr & have an appt. @ 1:30 but I just wanted to kno if any of you ladies experienced this and if so what was it & what did your doctor do?
First person I called was my mama, Mothers knows everything(or atleast we think they do) she say its infected!
First person I called was my mama, Mothers knows everything(or atleast we think they do) she say its infected!
@blessedtimes2 dr ask what kind of soap I use & I told him dial he said dat was good. He cut my stitches open in 2 locations, I have to change the gauze 3or4 times a day but its not gonna close after the drainage is gone he's gonna re stitch me up (Ouch!)