exclusively breastFed?

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
Ok what does it mean when someone says they exclusively breastfeed for 12 + months? I get the 12 but what happens after that? Do you like pump and give a sippy cup? Do they eat solids regularly to and just have milk as their drink?


  • It means ur given baby just breast milk
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  • means the baby has only had breast milk! no formula but they do start solids between 6 to 12 months
  • @2beforgotten that's what I thought .@proudmommy8789 Ya I new that one my question I guess was what about after12 months like the mothers who breast feed till 2yrs?
  • I breast fed exclusively for 11 months, NO solids, NO cup NO bottle. My daughter had pyloricstnosys so I didn't have much of a choice, she stopped the breast at 13 months when she was able to eat the solids and drink from a cup
  • Also means no Pacifier, strictly Boob only
  • My bad that's ecological bf that uses no paci
  • Damn.. then I just breast milk feed I guess. I pump sometimes, so she does get a bottle sometimes, she gets a binky.. and mostly to be lazy or get a jump on pumping... she's had a total of 12oz in formula her whole life. And there is no more formula in the house.
  • when i say it .. it means only bf.. but i dont think a `12 mnth old should still be exclusivly bf.. just my oppinion and i do bf.. at about 6 mnths is when your supposed to introduce solids.. and with my experience it took my lil guy to get then hang of solids and even desire to eat them.. so i wouldnt wait that long .. once they start eat solids they also start weening a feeding at a time.. and sometimes just a half a feeding .. lol.. i dont know i just think its part of babies growing and developement they should begin solids..
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