never wake a sleeping baby?

edited October 2011 in Parenting
Who believes this? My daughter has been asleep for the past two hours which is unusual for her at this time of day but she's been such a handful I'm glad to have a break. She's 10wks old and always wakes herself up when hungry so I'm Not worried about that but my bf thinks she's gonna be up all night. What would you do? Let her sleep or wake her up? She's like a ticking time bomb lol.


  • I say let her sleep..
  • I'd let her sleep and see how she does. That way you know for sure for future reference if she will be up all night if she sleeps a little extra!
  • Id say sleep. I let my son sleep all day and he does fine at night. Although he is younger..
  • How old is she? Id let her sleep. If she sleeps more than 4 or 5 hrs id wake her to feed and change her. And i dnt think she'll be up all night, when my daughter sleeps a lot during the day she still sleep her normal 4 to 6 hrs to eat.
  • sry i didnt read you said 10 wks. well whi knows my baby is a little younger shes almost 8 wks
  • @gsmommy

    Thanks for the input! I'm gonna let her sleep. I figure she's sleeping because she's tired, so why bug her? I don't like getting woken up so why would she? Lol

    Has anyone seen that friends episode where Rachel wakes up Emma and then she cries for hours?? That's what I'm afraid will happen lol ;)
  • I never woke my kids!
  • I used to stress over this too! Lol I would wake her after 3 hours, and then I finally just let her go.. Except now she is awake till 5am everyday and sleeps all day. I'm trying desperatly to resolve this, but it gets frustrating :-)
  • I say let her sleep. My son slept for 10 hrs one night and it was the best sleep I had in a long time. He woke up wanting to play and not eat. I had to play with him for 10 mins til he took the bottle. He's 10 wks.
  • Well let her sleep.. Pfft my daughter sleeps for 6 hrs at night and is in perfect health and gaining weight, shes 5 weeks
  • I wake my son up I read in an enfamil hand out when trying to get.them on a schedule don't let them sleep more than two hours but my baby always goes right back to sleep and I leave him alone
  • Let her sleep.. my daughter is 9 weeks & has been sleeping completely through the night since 2 weeks & she is gaining weight perfectly
  • Let her sleep!! I only did woke mine up the first week but after that I let her sleep. Shes now 3 1/2 months and sleeps at night between 8 to 12 hours and she is already 15 lbs!!
  • Sleep! I never wake my baby up unless I have to. Or my boobs are gunna pop. My baby sleeps most the night. And sleeps alot in the day. Shes almost 7 weeks.
  • She is probably having a little growth spurt if its unusual for her, I would leave her to it and keep your fingers crossed she still sleeps the night properly
  • I say let her sleep. You need a break and baby will wake up on her own when she is hungry. My baby sleeps most the day and sleeps fine at night and of baby has trouble a warm bottle always does the trick for me
  • Let her sleep lol
  • If She is anything like my two she will fall right back asleep if still really tired anyway. Might as well let her sleep no point in having an exhausted cranky baby on your hands.
  • I woke my son up once to feed him & boy was he mad lol. He's about a month old. I would say let her sleep unless it's more than 4hrs.
  • id leave her be.. shell be up in a few min.. and if you do plan on wwaking her up at any time.. do it lightly.. so not to startle.. but when theyer that young they usually dont stay up all night if they get a lil extra sleep.. however you may wait just a lil longer before putting her to bed..
  • I'm like @momofSOONtobe7 I never wake my babies. I did the first two wks, but after that nope. They all woke when they were hungry, dirty or just wanted lovings :)
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