
edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
My daughter 4 weeks today has been having green poop for the last week. I thought it might have been something I have eaten because she is only on the boobs. I read up on bf babies poo and green isn't a good color, it means she prolly isn't getting enough hind milk. She isn't gasy at least she isn't acting like it but I am worried she isn't getting enough hind milk the fatty milk and at the moment she seems to be restless. I keep nursing burping then lay her down in 30mins she is up. She has been spitting up a lot lately too. We have appt on 18th but I am stressed and don't think I can wait that long. With my son his poop was always yellow so I never thought he wasn't getting enough fatty milk and he was a bigger baby her being so small I am just extremely worried.

Can someone please ease my nerves???


  • Dang u jus made me worried. I'm breastfeeding an his poop has been green the last two weeks. He's been gainin tho an none of the doctors have said nothin. But I have noticed he is way more gassy.
  • Poop sometimes is green w babys if they don't sound worried then don't be i mean as long as she's not gassy and is keeping milk down I wouldn't worry
  • Don't worry it could mean its taking a little longer for baby to process you give your baby vitamins cuz that could do it too. My son is 11weeks and his poop just turned yellow and the nurses in the Nicu assured me its not an issue
  • i was told to nurse on one son untill empty... and usually that means youll have to wait till the next feeding to feed on the other side.. i had to do this . at first it can be a lil uncomfortable.. but its worth a try.. and if the other side gets too engourged within that 2-3 hr period between feedings than just pump a few ounces.. good luck sweety and dont worry too much.. im sure everything will even out..
  • Hey ladies @jsmyonlylove sorry to get you worried if your docs aren't concern don't stress like me.
    @darknesofnight4u I haven't went to docs and my lil osnowne. Seemed gassy but finally went to sleep but had to be propped up.
    @snowwhitej she doesn't take any yet.
    @lae3 I am going to try that today I know its gonna suck but pump is on standby! Lol

    Thank you ladies she had finaaly stayed sleep so I passed out.
  • %%- ;-)
  • I just woke her up to change her and feed her she only nursed for like 10mins on one boob and its still pretty full I tried waking her up. I'm so lop sided. Maybe I have an over supply of fores milk? I don't know how to get balanced. I've only pumped once when my milk came in I was getting into shower and started leaking every where.
    She has to be hungry she slept for about 4hours.
  • Maybe pump before feeding
  • My baby had green poop. It looked like spinach. I took her to the Dr and they said it was normal. The only colours they worry about are red (blood) and black!
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  • Green is fine. Breastfed babies poop go all sorts f color. The only time to worry is if its blooy or black, or hard and pebble like.

    If youre teally worried just do one boob per feeding, instead of both durring one feeding.
  • Ok y'all I will stop worrying lol. However now she is just spitting up all the time and its not like burp its like spit you think she has acid reflux. I think I am going crazy I mean I have been here before three years ago but she is so small I just worry.

    I appreciate you ladies! I am going to be at ease with the poop, but now this spit
  • I had this same issue with my 2nd who is 19m. He started with the green poop and I just assumed it was ok he was also gassy n fussy n spitting up. I chalked it up to colic. After a few weeks I couldn't take it I spoke to my pedi who is very into bf n she told me I had a milk imbalance la leche legue has lots of info on it. Because I waited so long my little ones stomach was pretty ,tore up it gives babies a temp lactose intolerence, he developed acid reflux easily controlled with prevacid but sucks it still uncomfortable for him at times. I spoke with a lactation consultant from lll n they were awesome I started nursing him on one side a feeding it took a couple weeks but my breast finally got regulated. Good luck hun it can be stressful I know but seek help its out their and free!
  • @shayshay her poop is back yellow today I did exactly what you did and feed on one side per time. It worked out. I think I was stopping her before she was finish when we were out. When I'm home I let her eat til i know she is sleep and just sucking but when out I just let her nurse for like 5min on each side. I know now not to do it ever again I was freaked out because I knew green wasn't the yellow they say bf babies poop should be. And the drolling and spitting up was weird too. She is still doing that but I know it will take time. She isn't fussy though praise the Lord.
  • Yay good job mama!!! Its hard when ur out n about especially when they wanna nurse so long. In a few more months they will be pros n movin a lot faster. My daughter turned 4 weeks old today too she was born 9/14 :)
  • @shayshay Awe she is truely a full month my lady bug was born on the 16th due date was the 14th though lol. We gotta share pics!
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