My daughter 4 weeks today has been having green poop for the last week. I thought it might have been something I have eaten because she is only on the boobs. I read up on bf babies poo and green isn't a good color, it means she prolly isn't getting enough hind milk. She isn't gasy at least she isn't acting like it but I am worried she isn't getting enough hind milk the fatty milk and at the moment she seems to be restless. I keep nursing burping then lay her down in 30mins she is up. She has been spitting up a lot lately too. We have appt on 18th but I am stressed and don't think I can wait that long. With my son his poop was always yellow so I never thought he wasn't getting enough fatty milk and he was a bigger baby her being so small I am just extremely worried.
Can someone please ease my nerves???
Can someone please ease my nerves???
@darknesofnight4u I haven't went to docs and my lil osnowne. Seemed gassy but finally went to sleep but had to be propped up.
@snowwhitej she doesn't take any yet.
@lae3 I am going to try that today I know its gonna suck but pump is on standby! Lol
Thank you ladies she had finaaly stayed sleep so I passed out.
She has to be hungry she slept for about 4hours.
If youre teally worried just do one boob per feeding, instead of both durring one feeding.
I appreciate you ladies! I am going to be at ease with the poop, but now this spit