O my lordy, my milk...

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
Just came in, I am literally not ok. I can't get my daughter to eat enough to make my boobs feel better. Someone should have warned me about this! It all happened in like an hour, when I stand I may fall forward. I'm calling my wic lady in the morning to see if she can get me a pump, but what do I do until then? How do I hand express? I don't feel comfortable looking that up online lol please help!


  • Try taking a warm shower. That can help let down and release some milk. Also, put water in two diapers, freeze them then put one over each boob. It'll help a lot!
  • You are basically milking yourself. It takes a little practice, but what I do is start on the boob, and basically squeeze and work your way down to the nipple.
  • edited October 2011
    make a C shap with thumb and index finger around your areola and squeeze toward nipple downward....after a few times you should see it coming out :) keep doing this as more will continue to come out. This works best while taking a shower!
  • I sent hubby to the store to get a manuwl pump, they each are the size of my head, no joke, will it hurt to pump? Will they always be hard and huge??
  • It hurts some women, but for me its just like am awesome sense of relief. They may stay huge, but theyll only be hard when youre engorged. So basically as long as you keep up on feeding and pumping, you should be fine. When youre done with nursing youll probably get engorged again, but you can put cold cabbage leaves in a tightly wrapped bra to help dry you up.
  • Hand expressing didn't do shit for me lol. I had to run to walmart to get a manual pump cuz Iiterally could not move
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