Todays the day...

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
I quit breastfeeding :'( Bella turned 1 month yesterday and ive bf until now! I cant take it anymore, its getting me sooo down. BUT I now feel like im letting my baby down and like ive failed :'( :'( I just cry whenever I look at her knowing im not goin to have that bonding time anymore.


  • Maybe try and do both? :)
  • My daughter is doing both and it is working good for her. During the day, formula. Then evening feeding thru night to breakfast feeding are bf. Baby is doing great, Mama is not stressed all day with pumping and worrying if there is enough pumped milk, we two grandmothers who trade off babysitting do not run out of pumped milk, mama does not have fix bottles during the night, and mama still is giving baby immunities and providing that special bond. But each mother/baby pair is different - just an option to consider.
  • @usafwife_21 ive been tryin for just over a week or so an its not gettin any better :-(
  • @granny2b does she express in the day?
  • I do both. I breastfeed when I can but if babys extra hungry or I'm tired I formula feed. I pump some too. Any breast milk is better than none. I'm trying to go for 3 months. Babys almost 5weeks. If I go beyond that ill be happy. I'm trying to breastfeed as long as I can.
  • @one5one yeah I was gonn a try that but then people keep tellin me how if I give formula its gotta be the same time each day!
  • She did for aabout two weeks at first until her milk supply adjusted. She had to slowly decrease production during the day to avoid mastitas and soaking her shirts with milk during work or class. Also during that time she started bf at about 5:00 pm then slowly stretched it to 7:30ish. My sil also did this something similar with her three..
  • My daughter has been doing both for six weeks and plans to continue til baby is one year.
  • I do both right now. Breastfeed during the day then formula at night to fill him up cause otherwise he doesn't sleep so well. I know how you feel though bfing can be very demanding. Ive thought about switching to formula myself but theres just something I love about being the one giving my son all the nutrition he needs.
  • @lyndaay1983 that's not true! Baby eats when hungry. Not on a schedule. I only give baby formula when she's hungry. Sometimes its in the morning. Other times its at night. Or even in the middle of the day. Don't let people tell you what baby needs & when. Baby does that. Baby knows her body better than strangers. Any boob milk given is goid enough. %%-
  • @mszcastillo I know an thats why I dont wanna stop but i've gotta be fair to myself and the baby, if im down it doesnt benefit anyone :-( ive got 2 other children who need a sane mummy just as much as my baby does. well done for not givin up, I wish I was strong enough to carry on!

    @one5one thank you, its hard because I never bf'd my other 2 so its all been new to me.
  • i felt like a failure with my first son because i also quit when he was a month old.. but it was so hard.. dont beat yourself up about it.. you still can say you bf your baby.. and that is a good thing.. be proud of what youve accomplished some woman dont even attempt to nurse there babys .. and you did.. my second was so much easier to nurse.. he didnt have colic either .. like my first did..
  • Don't beat ur self up at least u did it for a month or so that's amazing! It's ok to stop ur health is important
  • @granny2be @one5one what bottles do ya'll use? my 5 day old won't take a bottle, And also what formula? I don't want the formula and the breastmilk disagreeing or something
  • @Lyndsay1983 you can still bond! Dont let it get you down, baby would rather you be happy and have formula, then too see you upset, you lasted longer than I probably will... Good luck!
  • @lyndsay1983 I have an older daughter too. This baby I'm actually doin more of an effort to breastfeed. I do give formula too. But am trying to pump out more.
  • @Kimberly4411 I use Evenflo Purely Comfi. I use similac for fussy babys. I've used advanced formula too. When my babys had boob & a bottle, sometimes she's fussing and needs boob again. Its like her pacifyer. She knocks right out. She prefers boob to bottle sometimes.
  • I did both and it doesn't have to be the same time every day. Maybe give it a try. I felt so much better doing both
  • @one5one thank you! @amab13 I think thats what i'm gonna get, she likes the nipple that was on the premade formula we got from the hospital
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