nervous about having a second c section.

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I had a c section with my first and am having one with my second. But I heard recovery is longer and that its more painful. Has anyone had two or more of them?


  • I had two c section it didn't take long for me to get better. I was ok before I got out the hospital with my daughter. I aint gonna lie its scary cause I am gonna have my third c section in aug. But I just try to look at the bright side of it a new baby :)
  • Yea that's what I'm going to do. I want the baby out of it but now I know what to expect and I'm terrified. I hated how they tool the baby to clean and my husband went with him and being alone in recovery is no fun. I'm just really nervous.
  • im having my second c section scheduled march 22 nd abd I'm nervous too, weird considering I've had one! I've read and heard the recovery is much quicker and smoother. I think I'm more nervous because I know what day itll be and know what will happen where as my first one I couldn't worry about it because I had know idea it was going to happen.
  • Haven my 2nd one on feb 11th i heard u recover faster
  • I am too I keep having these dreams I die on the table ugh! I really understand you top it off I'm high risk so I try to relax!
  • I'm having my 3 rd c section fed 10 I'm a little scared cause its in 2 weeks but everything will be ok.
  • I have a question why are u guys hvin c sections? Im pregnant and its my first time, I juz wanna know what causes women to have c section cuz im scared to have c section.
  • Im having a 2nd csections but havent got a date yet. How far is ur due date from ur guys csection date? Im anxious to know mine so im more prepared. @islandgirl I had one because my cervix wasnt dialating and I was 9months and 4days they inducede because I had low fluid count in my water bag
  • Thank you. I was juz askin cuz im really scared of c section cuz I bet it hurt.

    Good luck to u all! Y'all b in my prayers. :)
  • @havingthethird1 OMG, I'm having my third c section and you sound like me. I have the same dreams.
    @due_in_july when I had my second c section I was thinking OK I recovered faster than the first. Oh how I was wrong. I had a set back which means I caught an infection in my cut and had to go back to the hospital for what seemed like another c section. So take your time. Ppl say u recover faster but everyone is different.
  • edited January 2011
    @islandgirl i had c sections bcus im so high risk. My uterus is not strong at all. My first was an emergency c section bcus baby came early. Then after I started getting a clerclage. So c sections are quite normal for me. However I wanted to experience the push.
  • A scheduled c-section is easier than an urgent c-section is easier than an emergency c-section. I ended up having ac-section with my first because I listened to the doctors too much. They kept telling me I had to lie down for no apparent reason and my baby ended up sunny side up and failed to progress past 8 centimeters. I'm in a new city now and I've picked out a new hospital to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
  • @brittneyiscute u have those dream too I thought I was going crazy! Sometimes I even have dreams the baby dies god forbid I wake up so scared & grab my belly.

    @islandgirl I had a c section cause I had preaclamsia its when u have too much protein in ur pee so I had too have a c section a.s.a.p if not me or the baby will die ugh I'm scared!
  • @islandgirl I had a c section bc I had low iron.(preclamsia) which is like poison to your blood. I was two weeks early and tried being induced for two days and hardly progressed.
    But Thank you everyone I feel alot better. My due date is July 16 and my c section will most likely be June 28. I do feel better that it is planned so my husband won't be at work when I'm at the hospital the first dsy. But can't help but be nervous
  • I had a c section with my first because I was in hard labor for 23 hours and wouldn't dilate past 6cm. The Dr told me in the beginning that if my baby was 8lbs or over I'd have to have 1. He ended up being 8lbs 10oz. I'm going to have a scheduled c section with the next. I know what to expect and I watched my sister give birth vaginally and I'm so glad I didn't...looked rough!
  • Love c sec. Ive heard normal delivery can be as rough as c sec.cuz sometimes dr has to cut u down there either front or back. Thatzzz very painful to go potty. This will be my 3rd and last c sec. C sec are usually schedule aweek before due date... Good Luck ladies!!
  • Juz shoot me now! Lol. U serious they will cut u down there? gosh guess ill go with c section. Never heard that b4 but oh well.
  • View normally only give you a c section if view have to. You rarely get to decide.
  • I had a c section cause I was in labor for 38 hours no dialation and when they broke my water a lot of poop came out. The baby was already pass the due date by a few days and I was going to be induced next day. I'm opting for vaginal on this one. I figured ill try and if not then c section it is. I'm scared either way lol. Good luck ladies!
  • @islandgirl..... cut u ONLY if baby is to big....And has a hard time passing thru birth canal... Dont panic girl
  • @havingthethird1 weird huh? I pray that we recover from these c sections...LOL
  • @brittneyiscute me2 lmao but worth it!
  • I wouldn't have anything but a csection! My best friend had her son two days after I had my 1rst one and she ripped so badly that she had to have fifteen stitches, nearly all the way to her anal glands. Then three months later my sister did nearly the same thing. I'll take the incision on my stomach any day rather than not be able to pee!
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