help im so scared

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
My son is 3 months old and yesterday he was congested. Then he would eat and then spit it out. At first i thought it was the bottle so i change the bottle i was using but he kept doing it. Then he started to cry alot. im not sure what is going on but im really scared. He will only eat cereal out the bowl, and i only feed him that once a day. last night before i put him to bed i took him a warm bath and layed him down. He wasnt breathing rite, like i can tell he was extremely congested so i put some saline drops in his nose but that didnt work. He barely got sleep last night and i dont know what to do.


  • Take him to the Dr especially if he's not breathing right. There may be nothing you can do for him but at least you will know her ok
  • Try to get a humidifier with the vicks vapor liquid you put into it. It really works wonders. It's so scary when our lil ones can't breath right. If that dosnt help call the doc. I hope it helps.
  • I would take him to the dr.
  • @heyitsme ok i was thinking that but i just didnt kno

    @wallieheadbaby3 yeah like he is breathing but it sound congested and he kept turning his head and crying
  • Yeah hun... with my three boys if they get congested the first thing I do is the humidifier... but go with your gut hun.... if you think he need the doc right now then take him... mom really does always know best. Good luck hun.
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