C section over induction.

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So I have been dilated to 2 for a month. My due date is today and y next doctors appointment is Thursday. He won't induce until my cervix thins out and even then he doesn't think I'll hold up in induction. So I don't see the point in going through induction and it end in a c section anyways. So Thursday I'm asking for a c section. Just so over being pregnant


  • Must be a hard decision to make, i may be in a similar boat as high BP, excess fluid, large baby etc etc and am dreading making that decision but so desperate to meet baby :) i think if its unlikely to work it doesnt seem worth the stress and pain of induction? but im a ftm so may be wrong :)
    Good luck tho and eitherway, not long til baby! :)
  • If you have a good doctor, you might discuss it w him/her. My daughter had an induction at 40+6. She had baby natural, no pain meds. She and baby did great and left the hospital the next day. Baby was 7 lbs even. Whey does doc not think you will hold up in induction?
  • I know how it is being completely miserable. This is my 2nd, both pregnancies a nightmare. Had to have a c section last time. I suggest at least attempting an induction. Im not looking forward to the recovery again, it was hell. Im secretly hoping she comes on her own and dr lets me push her out. C sections are no fun.
  • I was in the exact same position as you. I was 38 weeks and only thinned to 20%. Due to gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, my doctor sent me to the hospital Tuesday morning to try 2 doses of cervidil to see if my cervix would thin any.. he said he didn't expect it to and didn't think I'd ever thin on my own from the way and positioning of my cervix. I was so discouraged that it wouldn't work and thought I'd end up in a csection too. So after the first round, it only thinned to a close 30% (not enough to try to induce).. but after the second dose he came to check me and I was almost 80% thinned. After telling me he didn't think the cervidil would work and it wouldn't thin, it worked great and I got to be induced Wednesday morning! Started poticin at 8am and had baby at 5:09pm.

    I said all that to say don't give up hope. It is possible for the cervidil (and other induction methods) to work even if doctors don't think they will.
    Good luck!
  • I just really don't want to go through the induction and pain and stress and end in a c section. There's no point in it to me. I'm not one of those people that is going to feel robbed if I don't get a vaginal delivery. My friend just recently had a c section too and she is fine and recovering fine and she is a big ol baby. So I'm not too worried about it. I just want this to end My poor body can't take it anymore.
  • edited October 2011
    My dr did same thing...@ 39 weeks after 3 weeks of bed rest because of swelling....ultra sound said he was 10.6lbs....he wasn't in position and o hadn't dilated at all....dr told me she wouldn't induce because it would end in a csection ...had a csection the next day!!! Had a 9.6 lb baby 22 in!!!
  • You don't know that it'll end in csection. And you don't HAVE to be in pain that's what the epidural is for!! Plus you'll miss getting to see your baby right away. My friend had a csection and only got to see her baby in a picture and only got a glimpse of him.. she didn't really see him til abour 30 mins later. I had a vaginal delivery and had my daughter on my belly right away I held her bloody and all!! It was awesome!!
  • I had the choice between induction and c section due to my high blood pressure and I was only dialated a finger tip/not thinned out. I didn't want to go through a long induction with magnesium just to end in a c section so I chose csection. The surgery and recovery went fine. The only thing I truly hated was not being able to hold my daughter until hours afterwards. It also complicated breastfeeding for me.
  • Im tellimg u an induced labor isnt that bad and recovery from natual labor is a walk in the park! Compared to that of a csec .. Goodluck but I think you jumping the gun.. My oppinion.. U do miss out w a csec.. You dont even get to hold your baby till after your out of surgery.. To me thats missing out.. Try and trust your body will do what it was made to do.. Believe me I know how desparate your feeling right now.. I went 10 days over w/ my first 2 stubborn boys and I had to be induced.. Not what I wanted but had no choice and I really didnt want to wait another day..
    Good luck.. I just hopy your lil one surprises everyone and decides to come the old fashion way .. Labor dus.t!!
  • It's my choice. I don't feel as if I'm jumping the gun. And when my doctor recommends the c section and tells me that he thinks thats what will happen that's what I'm going to do. Yeah, I Wont get to hold my daughter until after surgery but knowing she is out here and healthy will be a relief and my husband will be right there with her until mommy can hold her.
  • I was induced and ended in a c section so I know how you feel and a c section is not that bad I recovered fast and was in no pain. I didn't have to wait hours to hold my baby they actually asked if I wanted to hold her right when they pulled her out but I couldn't because the epi made me shakey. Don't let people push they're anti c section opinion on you. Oh and my gallstone scars are more noticeable than my c section scar and I had my galbladder in April and had my c section 8 weeks ago. Any way good luck keep me updated on what you decide either way its your choice and both have positives and negatives.:-)
  • My induction ended in a c section because my baby heartbeat almost flatlined,so after 20 hours of labor and at 9 cm I had to have a c section. But I'm just glad my baby boy is alive and healthy. Any amount of pain is worth a healthy child.
  • I was induced a month ago & ended in a c-section after 30+hrs of labor...& let me tell you.lol I will pick c-section over induction w/my next pregnancy(s) Good luck mama
  • I was induced Sept 28 at midnight and I went thru hell they. They has me take the pill first to soft my cervix then they did the ballon on me twice the first doctor that did it fucked up then potosin which they put to high and only dilated 4cm I wad stuck their for hours then I after 40 hours of induction had to get a c section. I will never again get induced cuz it was hell so painful
  • Thanks you so much ladies with some positive feedback and respecting my choice. Thu gave my friend the option to hold her son when they pulled him out too. We use the same doctor as well. Your positive feedback really really means alot to me. <3
  • Good luck with whatever YOU decide. I wasn't induced with my first, but I went thru 23 hours of labor, wouldn't dilate past 6cm, and it ended in a c section. My recovery was very easy with little pain. Don't let people scare you...a c section really isn't that bad.
  • I kno how u feel, I was induced & my cervix wasn't thin neither was I dilated, I was in labor 26hrs and only got to 4cm, ended in c-section!
  • Yeah no one is going to scare me out of the c section. They say the recovery is so terrible and it's so much more painful. I guess it depends on the person because my friend is a puss and she said the worst part of everything was them getting the iv out cause it was over taped haha. And she recovered fine and she has no one to help her. I'm not to worried about it anymore I just dont like all the anti c section people trying to make me not want one. It's a personally choice
  • I'm having a c-section as well. I have gestational diabetes, a large baby (not just fat, he's already 21 inches long, and I've got three weeks til my c-section!) an abnormal cervix, anemia, allergies to most antibiotics and I'm strep b positive. I am tired of hearing about how c-sections are so bad, too. If I didn't have the gestational diabetes, I would still have had a 50-50 chance of needing surgery, because my cervix is long and narrow. Unless you have a medical degree in OB/GYNE, I don't wanna hear it anymore. I've started walking away from people mid conversation when they start telling me how bad c-sections are....just because they saw some documentary by Rikki Lake. Anyway, my husband and I have a rule...he gets to see baby while I'm getting stitched up, then I get to see baby. Our families will have to wait a few hours for us to have our time alone together as a family of three before everyone comes in with their opinions on a name and who he looks like, etc.
  • I was induced with my baby and after 33hours of labour and not dilating as i was meant to they said i could have a csection! turned out it was an emergency section but they didnt tell me this till after my baby was born! he had his cord wrapped round his neck twice and was destressed so pooped! he wasnt breathin when he came out :-( but within mins he was ok! it was so annoying that i had gone that long and then had to have a csetion! and i was mad because them leaving me so long put my baby at risk!
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