annoyed beyond belief, thanks for shooting down my wish to breastfeed.
In the hospital, right after birth I began to try to breastfeed. But through my whole stay I had trouble getting my baby to latch & I felt discouraged & ended up giving him a bottle by day two. I still continued to try & get him to latch, but no luck. The doctors told me it might be easier once my milk actually came in, & that even if I'm giving my son a bottle to continue to try & get him to latch... well my milk came in yesterday after my son has been on the bottle for 4days, so I decided I'd supplement & just start pumping so that it could be transferred to a bottle because I don't want to confuse him too much. Since I had no pump yesterday I tried to express milk by hand, which wasn't easy but I got 2oz throughout the day. Today my breast are extremely engorged & sore & I was suppossed to go to wic so I could get a pump, BUT... an hr before I am able to go to wic my husband decides he doesn't want to go today. I tell him that I need to go, because if I don't that means another day without a pump, which means another day of unexpressed milk, which means another day my breasts are getting the impression they won't need to produce. His response? 'Just milk yourself like you did yesterday' & 'After all this time they're just going to dry up because of one day?' Key words buddy, 'after all this time', it hasn't been JUST ONE day without a pump. & as far as milking myself, it's not an easy task doing it by hand, it's more time consuming than anything. I'm so frustrated! I tried to do the best for my baby which was a fail, so I really want to do the next best thing & it looks like that's not going to work for me either. I just want to cry.