I don't like breastfeeding

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
I don't know if I can keep at it. He will only lach in one position and that's with my laying hafe way in my side, and I can only get into that position on the couch, witch is in the other room. And I'm starting ti feel depressed because Im always off in the other room by myself feeding him. And he is a lazy eater so it takes F O R E V E R to feed him, most times a hour and he is still hungry after all that so I have to still give him a bottle. I just feel like im being a bad mom


  • Don't feel like a bad mom!! For something that's natural it sure is hard!!! There's days I hate it too. But hang in there, as he gets bigger other positions will work! But even if you quit, take pride in doing it, however long!
  • I'm seeing a lactation consultant like twice a week and it doesn't seem to help and she doesn't see my issues. But he's only 15 days old so its been no time at all
  • I couldn't handle it either with my first. We lasted 2 weeks before I gave up. He's now 5 yrs old and fine. I'm going to try again with this baby. You're not a bad mom if you can't do it. Giving a baby formula is ok!!
  • I hated it at first and I too only have two good positions, one being the couch. After 2 weeks though much better and so glad I didn't give up! Give it time
  • I almost gave up my first week with my son. My nipples hurt and we were having latch probs. I wanted to exclusively pump. My sister gave me a great pep talk over the phone telling me how she excl pumped with her first and how much harder it was than feeding from the breast. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks for it to start to happen. Don't forget, you aren't the only one new at this, but baby is learning too, so it'd def hard, but if bf doesn't work out, don't beat yourself up over it. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. As long as one way or the other your baby gets fed, you're doing your job.
  • I almost gave up my first week with my son. My nipples hurt and we were having latch probs. I wanted to exclusively pump. My sister gave me a great pep talk over the phone telling me how she excl pumped with her first and how much harder it was than feeding from the breast. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks for it to start to happen. Don't forget, you aren't the only one new at this, but baby is learning too, so it'd def hard, but if bf doesn't work out, don't beat yourself up over it. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. As long as one way or the other your baby gets fed, you're doing your job.
  • do you have a tv in that room. i hate feeding while sitting cause im not comfy. but i lay on the sofa and latch her on and watch tv. it get alot better. and if you give up your not a bad mom. mines 4 months and eats not 5 to 10 mins max. unless shes fussy and just wants to suck but i dont mind cause im a sahm and my husband works nights and im alone at home
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