3 days of contractions

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
But nothing to bring on labor! I'm so frustrated and sick of hurting all the time :( I can't go thru all this and then labor and delivery! I'm so freaking frustrated and really about to lose it!


  • Ya its pissing me off except mine r like labor contractions regular and anywhere from every 2 min to every 5 min. Feel nauseous all the tine now:(
  • I went thru the same thing! 3 days of super super painful contractions every 5-10 min...they were so bad I didnt sleep for thosr 3 days....by the time I had dialated enough I was exhausted, and in tears....it really sucked because I went in to the hospital the morning before I gsve birth and my doc just told me that I could be in labor for a few more days and sent me home and told me to take tylenol...TYLENOL! i almost punched him! Thank god an hour after I went home my.contractions evened out to every 2 min and when I went back I had dialated to 4 cm so they had to keep me and give me the good drugs.
  • God I hope that happens to me. I was at the hospital all day Mon with intense regular contractions. I wouldn't progress past 2 so they sent me home. Last night they were coming every 2 min for an HR and then stopped. So frustrating cuz I'm not sleeping and super nauseas:(
  • That's me right now o feel for you:( I was due Oct 14 and still nada!
  • I was windering why they kept telling me to take tylenol...they were trying to see how real my labor was...I tried to tell them that I had alrewdy tried the tylenol and a shower and neither helped...I think they thought I was a wuss when it comes to pain.
  • They all suck! Don't understand why my Dr wont help move things along. Baby is full term and I'm in so much pain from contractions I'm not sleeping or eating. Not a big baby either cuz I've had 2 kids all natural, wish he would just take me serious:(
  • im going on a wk of contractions and its just getting my hopes up .. common babies its time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [-(
  • @lae3 its just getting me mad and frustrated. I'm so tired and have no idea how I'm gonna have the energy to deliver if I can't rest. Contractions r keeping me up all night on top of my 3 kids waking up early. Hurry up babies!
  • yeah i know i have a ten year old that doesnt know the meaning of calm down.. and seems to want to argue everything.. ugh.. an 18month old that keeps me running all day.. lol.. and ive resorted to sleeping sitting up.. not the most comfy position.. ugh.. so i know how you feel .. and i keep thinking tonights the night and wake up in the morn to nothin @nmartinez79
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