edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Im so upset... Maybe Im wrong but im always there for him... I make him lunch every night at 2:30am & take it 2 him by 3:30am so he can have a nice hot fresh lunch... By the time i get back home & get to bed its 5am & in tired but no matter how tired i am, i do it every night... I knew he wasn't excited & doesn't want 2 get his hopes up... But he can give me some support... I have my ultrasound right now to make sure its not a tubal & Im sitting here waiting to b called all by myself... He was to tired to go.... I understand he works graveyard & gets home at 8am-8:30am... But this is a important appt & when his 4yr old daughter has a game he wakes up at 9:45 to b there at 10 & my appt is at 11... Im hurt.... I love his lil girl like she was my own & he knows that & she loves me... I jus want him to give me & my baby the same support... Am i wrong 4 being upset... Im scared... I don't wana go threw this alone... ;(


  • I'm so sorry your alone. I really hope everything works out and its not tubal. No. U r not wrong for being upset. That is not ok at all
  • No, he should give you support. You didn't get pregnant alone. Update & let us know whats going on, we're all here for you. Also remember, guys sometimes get freaked out by babies & pregnancy. I'm lucky my hubby didn't, but a friend of ours was so freaked out he refused to touch his wife after she got pregnant! Let him know how you feel. We gotta sometimes spell it out for them.
  • He should show you support.... Honestly I'd be extremely upset if my husband didnt come... This is his child as well and he should want to be there when you find out what is going to happen. I'm sorry that you are by yourself. I'm hoping everything turns out for the best. Please update us and let us know how you are after the ultrasound!
  • No, your not wrong. Also maybe he is scared to be there in case it's bad news and isn't thinking about your feelings? I really hope everything goes well. Keep us posted.
  • Hopefukky things will get better
  • Update? Hope all is ok x
  • No you aren't wrong at all... so what'd they say??
  • edited October 2011
    I know exactly how u feel my bd has daughter from his first marriege and I'm always there for him but when its his turn its not like that when we have her for our 3 days in a row its like I don't exist and my opinion doesn't matter but I always back him up on everything.so don't feel bad he should be there
  • your not wrong at all.. infact your never wrong.. when it comes to your feelings.. i hope you update soon.. i hope everything went well at the dr and you feel better >:D<
  • edited October 2011
    @everyone... Ok so the good news is... Its not a tubal... The bad news is... Baby still to small to see... She said maybe in the next day or two... Im glad its not a tubal... Im Jus gona continue to pray that everything goes well & i have a healthy baby... I also wanted to say thank u to all if u for ur support... Now regarding my honey... I decided not to make a big deal about it... When i got home & told him baby was not in tubes he sat up & said see i knew things would b ok babe... I don't know why ur scared... I think once Im out of the woods & we know this pregnancy is safe then things will b different...
  • Glad to hear the good news. Maybe next time he will show more support. I think you should tell him how it made you feel though so he is aware of it next time. Jmo.
  • @samantha... Ya i should... I Jus don't want it to start a argument... Im a very emotional person & with these hormones it makes it worse... & he's not 1 bit of a emotional person at all....
  • yay! I knew it :D .. everythings gonna be justfine :)
  • My bf is the same but its better to say something now and just let him know its not to fight about you just want him to know you're feelings are hurt. I am learning to tell my bf things before I get to upset about it lol.
  • Glad to hear that bit of good news hun, take care (*)
  • I'm glad to hear the pregnancy is great so far I'm so happy for the both of u!!!!
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  • Maybe hes just as scared didn't you just have a mc not that long ago., I agree he should have been there, I really hope this one works out for you guys
  • My man did/t get into my preg till I was lioe 7months
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