experience with measuring big?

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34+4 today and dr said I'm measuring at about 38 weeks. Scheduled an asap growthultrasound. Anyone have a similiar experience? When did you actually end up in labor?


  • Not sure :\ I was told at my appointment today I'm measuring small I'm 36+4 and have to get an ultrasound tomorrow. Here's a bump for you
  • I measured 3 weeks ahead from the beginning, got induced at 38 weeks. It doesn't mean u will go into labor any sooner hun sorry :(
  • I was 32 weeks measuring as 36 lol I'm getting another scan next Monday
  • I was measuring big and had several growth ultrasounds due to gestational diabetes. At my ultrasounds I was always told she was big and in fact the last one I got I was told she would be at least 9 pounds if not bigger. I was induced and had a horrible 2 day induction and Ella was only 7lbs 15 oz!!!
  • When I was 16 weeks I was measuring 21 weeks, but baby was normal size on ultrasound. Then again at 32 weeks I was measuring 36 weeks so had another ultrasound done, still he was about average size on the ultrasound. Sometimes it can just be the positioning of the baby.
  • I am 37 weeks measuring 42 just starting to go into labour now! Eek!
  • I've been measuring 3 weeks ahead for awhile. No concern, doesn't mean anything. Docs are WAY off when they estimate measurements....btw I'm 34 weeks tomorrow.
  • Are you sure of you last period date? They told my SIL her baby was 10 pounds and however many oz.s & that she HAD to have a csec. They were off by a pound. (Still don't know if I could deliver a 9 pounder through my vag LOL! Mine so far were all 6.5-7.5 pounds.
  • I had that and I had polyhydroamnios (to much amniotic fluid) that could be your case. If your dr doesn't seem concerned don't worry!
  • I measured 4 weeks ahead ultrasounds are educated guesses my baby was supposed to be 9 pounds he was 7.15oz. & not early
  • I was told all the way through that mine was big and 3 weeks before I gave birth the scan measured her at over 9llb and super long. They had extra midwifes around.because they were so worried and because I was 2 weeks late and she was 8llb2 and just over 50cm so yes, they can be really wrong x x
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