what age did you give your baby rice cereal?

edited October 2011 in Babies
In bottle or spoon? How often? Thanks! :)


  • I started my son at about 6 weeks to try and make his bottles last longer. he was starving all the time! I put about a tablespoon sometimes two in his bottles just at night. now hes 10 weeks and i could give two tablespoons sometimes more in every bottle and he drinks it with no problem.
  • i asked my Pedi about it and he said they try 2 not give it babies until 4mo b/c of risks of constipation! idk...would like 2 know more about it...

    also heard 2 use brown rice cereal!
  • I started my son at 4mos in his bottle
  • I bought organic brown rice :) but i havent given it to her. my baby is gonna be 10 wks.
  • We started at 4 months from a spoon. I was told not to put it on her bottle because it could be a choking hazard. She gets it 1-2 times a day.
  • edited October 2011
    4 months by spoon...at first for breakfast but then i gave them more through out the day as their appetites grew
  • My pedi said i cant give my baby gerber untill shes 6 months
  • 1month by spoon to help him sleep longer and he doesn't spit up after the bottle if I feed cereal first.
  • I started at 3 months by spoon once a day. When I don't have any more he starts crying so I think I will feeding him more
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