No poop in over a day? Help please

My 4 day old has not pooped in over 24 hours, I'm really worried. I am waiting on a call back from the doctors office but just wanted your guys advice in the meanwhile. Has ur baby gone thru this? What can cause it? What should I do? Please help! :(


  • Yes mine did. Not all babies poop every day. As long as their stool is Normal everything you shouldn't worry.

    Wow already 4 days! Time flies
  • @Proudmomma It sure does!! I don't want him to get big! :-(

    Thank you, that makes me feel better...I find myself worrying about everything now! :-((
  • My son poops every day and a half. But we massage his tummy and his feet when we thunk it might go over that
  • I'm having issues on getting my daughters stool regular. Lol I have tried everything
  • Aww that's the same problem Julian had. His ped. recommended 1oz apple juice and 1oz water. And he pooped right away:)
  • @snowwhitej how long do u massage his tummy for?

    @Proudmomma how long does she go without pooping?
  • @JuliansMommy I'm gonna call tomorrow and see if I can get the green light to do that, gracias! How long did Julian go without pooping? I'm so worried :(
  • My son went three days without pooping. From 2 days old to 5 days old. Now he poops several times a day.
    You're breastfeeding right? It is normal for breastfed babies to go up to a week without pooping because breast milk is so efficiently digested. Or they can poop every diaper change like my guy. It does get more regular as they get older.
    Also their poop can be a bunch of different colors not just mustard and seedy.
    As long as it isn't bloody, black, or hard pelets you're fine. Though green frothy poop is a sign that he is getting to much foremilk and not enough hind milk. That is easly fixed and kept from happening by doing each feeding from one breast at a time instead of going from one breast to the other during a single feeding.
    I highly recomend you get The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by the LLL
    It will save a lot of stress in the future and answers all qiestions
  • Also as long as you are getting plenty of wet diapers yooure fine
  • It was for a day tambien. Hope he poopies soon I felt so bad for Julian:(
  • Well she is pretty normal that way just got the hard stool but she just made me a mushy diaper! Yay:)
  • Just for a few minutes maybe like five ar most. Use lotion or oil and just massage the tummy area in circles
  • @clop18 just saw your post asking the same thing :)
  • You can juice in the milk or half juice half water or Karo syrup. That's what I did. And now my little man poops great. Lol
  • @YAYA I'm scared to do the juice thing, since the doctor said absolutely no water or juice until he is atleast 1. But I have heard about it alot.
  • Or you can do a bottle of just water the juice is just for taste. My pedestrian is really good. I would try it and if baby doesn't like it don't do it again. It doesn't hurt to try once.
  • Formula babies can go up to five days with no poop. The drs also dont want you to help them unless they really need it because they want the babies to learn to go and use the bathroom by themselves. Thats what my dr told me tuesday.. i was worried chase was constipated but she told me to not worry. She also said if its necessary you can use those glycerine suppossitories or use kyro syrup(ck dosage w/dr) and mix that with formula or milk.
  • If you use juice though dont use anyhting like orange or lemon(acidic) because they cant tolerate it.
  • He pooped!! Yay! and it was aaalooot of poop! :)
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