*please pray for me and my baby*

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I started dark spotting yesterday. No cramping. Nothing on my undies, only when I wipe. Anyway the hospital did a urine test and said yeah your pregnant. Dah. Then a blood test to see my hcg. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and had a level of 70800 which is good. But we don't know what it was before so that tells me jack... then they sent me on my way.

I'm heading to another hospital as it a little heavier. Still dark red but getting a tiny bit on my undies. They said they will give me a full check so fingers crossed.

I jst really need some encouraging words and any positive stories that can be shared. Xx


  • Good luck hun I hope n pray all goes well... jst stay positive n try not to wrry...
  • Prayers your way, good luck.
  • Hi. Im not sure if this is what you have but at six I started light bleeding and it progressed to heavy bleeding with clots for two weeks! Everytime I went to the doctor or er they would do an u/s bc they were sure I had mc and everytime they found a heartbeat. The third week they diagnosised me with a subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH) I spotted daily from then until about 13 weeks. Basically its when a portion of your placenta detaches and it causes you to bleed and usually a blood clot forms in your uterus. Mine was pretty large, but I believe its starting to resolve itself. Im not saying its what you have but I know how scary it can be when you see blood and you will take anything over a mc. Keep us updated and if you have questions or are worried I will be happy to talk to you. Hang in there.
  • @mama2be11_4_11 yeah I had sex the day before and I also did water aerobics. The doc and hospital both said that's not what it Is. Yet they didn't even check me!!!!!
  • Prayers with you all is well & pregnancy continues well.
  • @kiwi_mom @2ndbutfirst thank you guys!!! yeah I'm not actually bleeding, jst light spotting but I'm hoping its jst something like that. xx
  • Had a scan. Baby is huge n kicking round. Got long legs!!! She thinks it could be my cervix bleeding which could the whole pregnancy. As long as it doesn't turn bright red and get worse so fingers crossed. They said it would be a long long wait to see a doctor to check my cervix so I'll jst have my doctor check on Monday.
  • I had a period when I was 8 weeks not knowing I was pregnant bc I was having a period. If that makes since. I was bleeding not to long ago as well and they checked me said I was fine heard babies heartbeat and was on my way. They said it could of been from md lifting something heavy, sex or implantation bleeding still or my cervix and uterus growing and expanding. Glad the baby is moving around and things are ok. Im now 16+2 days and still spot here and there. Good luck hun!
  • I'm glad things seem to be ok I'm praying it stays good. ;;)
  • Lol not that this is funny but I had this when I was around the same time I'm 32 weeks wrong and after going in, I felt silky cause it wad from sex but it went on for few days I'm do glad to hear it was probably the same for you :) hope all continues well for you
  • Sounss lije good news .
  • Thank you everyone!!! I was balling my eyes out all yesterday. I'm still scared but I'm ok for now!!! Thanks for your support xx
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