Tattoo of baby's initials...who else?

edited October 2011 in Just for Fun
I'm 5 weeks pp & my 21st bday is this Sunday, I don't really wanna go out & drink but I wanna get a nice tattoo with my baby boy's initials & birthday. Who else has done this? & is it okay to get a tattoo while breastfeeding?


  • They say not to get tattoos while bf because u can pass a infection to the baby. But I love tattoos and will definitely be getting my baby's name with footprints & bday! I have to wait I'm only 2wks pp, my 22nd bday was Monday....Happy early Birthday!
  • Happy bday but I also heard no tattoos and piercings while bf as well for same reason risk of infection.
  • Not while bf. I don't have his initials, I have his birth sign on my wrist. I have mine & my 7yos. After lil guy here has a birth sign, I'll get his too
  • My kids last name is roman so I got there name around my ankle and their birthdays in roman numerals :-) happy early birthday
  • I have my daughters initials on my ankle
  • edited October 2011
    I am getting a tattoo of my son soon after bf and hes almost 8 when my daughter starts to get her personality well when its more noticeable I will do hers my sons is going to be a little cartoon character of him in a footie pj's with his "Mr.Bear" laying in a half moon with stars and swirly clouds his name and birth date and when I get it I will be posting a pic happy birthday and have fun!!!!
  • Thank you all for the bday love ladies yall r the best :D I'm so excited, I can't wait til I stop bf so I can get my tattoo :D
  • Do your research on artists & talk to them about this bc a lot of times they're the ones who will give u a true answer. A lot of times it depends on the artist... same with tats & pregnancy. Each have their own opinion.

    For myself, personally i have a friend who does my tats so i don't really worry about infection & feel very safe! (I can't even count mine anymore) I'd still get one if bf but many probably wouldn't. Then again... i have different feelings on them more often than most. Lol

    I think it's a great idea though! Do your homework on ideas as well to make sure style & type is perfect & i get an artist good in it! Good luck, & happy early bday!
  • I have a sea turtle that is half pink and purple for my boys birth stone colors. Now I have to come up with something new for my baby girl think I am just going to add another turtle!
  • i just comented on a post like this. But ill commeny my experience again.
    I got a tattoo and a piercing while breast feeding. Me and baby are fine. just take care of them very well to avoid the possibility of infection. Make sure the place is clean. Watch them clean and open new supplies. Any time u get a tat or piercing there is a huge chance of infection anyways. So just be safe
  • Today Is My 18th Birthday & Ima Get My Sons Name On My Wrist :) & Hubbys Intials In Chinese Symbols On My Other Wrist !!!
  • My kids an my husband hav the same intials. So I hav theyr intials on my wrist with stars :) I can't wait to get more. I love tats
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  • would like 2 get a tatoo..but not baby's initals....LCR i have a hangup about "Left Center Right" like thats the position his initals are! i know..weird but wouldnt want it tatooed on me!
  • My bf and I are getting tats as our Christmas presents and I'm breast feeding. I know the shop and the guy and they are very clean. I have six already and never got an infection! It is going to be the start of my back piece and will be his portrait with info and foot print as a polaroid and surrounded by branches which will symbolize my family tree and will be added onto with each of my kids (i want 7!). I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you go to a respected shop and it's not on someone's basement couch ;)
  • I have each kids name and dob in my wrists. Girls on the left and boys on the right.
  • I'm getting my sons name and b day can't wait
  • Negative! Love my kids to death but wont get there names nor initials because its the same as my husbands we all have the same first and last initial but they share all three! Names never interest me anyways. Just me I guess.
  • I'm a tattoo lover and already have my 3yr old sons name tattooed behind my ear but I don't really like it so once I have this baby boy and stop BF then I'm going to get a big one going from my neck half way down my back with both my boys names on :)
  • My SO and I are getting tattoos for our baby girl (not matching ones). I plan on getting one on my foot of a mama and baby ladybug and her first and middle initials LJ in a nice font. Im not breastfeeding.
  • @qweennique I agree with you. Names have never been big for me that is why I did the colors of their birth stones.
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  • Happy early birthday!

    I have my sons name on my foot, and my husband has it on his ribs.:)
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