Tattoo of baby's initials...who else?
I'm 5 weeks pp & my 21st bday is this Sunday, I don't really wanna go out & drink but I wanna get a nice tattoo with my baby boy's initials & birthday. Who else has done this? & is it okay to get a tattoo while breastfeeding?
For myself, personally i have a friend who does my tats so i don't really worry about infection & feel very safe! (I can't even count mine anymore) I'd still get one if bf but many probably wouldn't. Then again... i have different feelings on them more often than most. Lol
I think it's a great idea though! Do your homework on ideas as well to make sure style & type is perfect & i get an artist good in it! Good luck, & happy early bday!
I got a tattoo and a piercing while breast feeding. Me and baby are fine. just take care of them very well to avoid the possibility of infection. Make sure the place is clean. Watch them clean and open new supplies. Any time u get a tat or piercing there is a huge chance of infection anyways. So just be safe
I have my sons name on my foot, and my husband has it on his ribs.:)