"Make sure you take the drugs!"



  • I would never push my ideas on any one you guys know your body and you do what you feel is right I wish you all the luck. My first I had the epi but she was out within 11 minutes of them giving it to me so did it work nope not at all. But I also have a vent the saying the women use to do all natural in the old days--- yup true but there was a whole lot more child birthing deathNdola the mothers and has anyone ever thought not only was that from complications but also because their body went into shock from the pain? There was a lot of women whom have had babies naturally and that is totally cool but that saying to me is like going to the dentist asking for a shot of whiskey for the pain and having a molar pulled. Because that's the way they use to do it. Nope thanks anyways!! Sorry about the vent. I wish all u ftm the best in whatever way you choose for your baby to get here :)
  • @mylittleman2011 lol @the part about the whiskey and dentists.I can understand that. I haven't gone thru child birth yet but I know getting a molar or two pulled is nothing compared to giving birth. I justt wanna TRY it without anything that way I can atleast say I tried.
  • Good luck lady! My doctor wanted me to get my epidural as soon as they broke my water and started the pitocin. Twice it wore off on my left side and I thought I was going to die. It takes a strong minded woman to have it natural. I wish you all the best of luck! I know if you really want to do it, you can!
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  • I agree that the woman should be able to make an informed choice and not be pushed into something. I chose natural and had a good and fast delivery - I checked into the birth center and my daughter was born 56 minutes later. My daughter chose a natural birth even tho she was induced at 40+6. Nurses and anesthetist spent longer trying to talk her out of natural than she spent pushing! I was also coach for three other natural births. It is great to have someone you trust that has been thru it with you. It is VERY painful, but it was well worth it for me. I immediatly felt great and so did baby, we went home feeling great in less than 24 hours. I was also coach for my bff when she had an epi - it went good and I totally supported her.
  • Omg I know where you are coming from. I hear that all the time or you're not strong enough to deal with the pain. Um excuse me how do you know what I can handle and can't handle. I don't need your criticizing me I would like support and if you can't offer that then shut your mouth. Grrrr. It pisses me off so much. Its something I want. As a ftm as well I have never given birth so the pain is just word of mouth to me. I know its not going to be easy but if its so difficult the human race would have died. There's my mini vent to go with yours lol.
  • @Samantha lol I couldn't have said it better!
  • I want the DRUGS lmao seriously I cry when I stub my toe
  • You are awesome. :)

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