I just got home from my 36week sono and check and... He is a fat fat! Chunky cheeks. Has hair. Weights in at 7lbs11oz from what they measure. And she wants too induce me the night of Nov 9th and hopefully he will have a birthday of Nov 10. Im orginally due Nov 15th but imma work my ass off to get him out sooner. I don't want too be induced. I will take any and all ideas to help induce labor! I am 50% thinned and not dialated. Anyone know how to help my dialate??


  • Got that how do you know you got it up to the cervix? @lae3
  • i dont cause my cervex is located twards my rear.. so either u can get hubbys help or just shove it up there as far as u can thats wut i did.. i dont know if its helped tho cause im due today not much action and my dr doesnt do internals until ur in labor
  • How many do I insert and take? @lae3
  • Walk walk walk & squats lol get baby out he's 36 wks my angel was 6lb 12oz induced at 39wks she was 8lbs 2oz
  • Walk walk walk & squats lol get baby out he's 36 wks my angel was 6lb 12oz induced at 39wks she was 8lbs 2oz
  • Omg sorry bout posting 3times, stupid phone!
  • My son was estimated 8lbs 6oz at 37+3 and they refused to induce me until 41 weeks so I delivered a 9lb 9oz boy at 41+3. So 7lbs doesn't seem too big to me! My friend's daughter was 6lbs at birth she was so small compared to my chunker. But you can walk, squats, bounce on a ball..those are the only non-medicinal ways I know of. None of it helped me though lol
  • *37+5 not 37+3.
  • edited October 2011
    I hope they measured him wrong... did you have a vag birth? @mam082711 im just so scared of a c-section
  • Yes I had a vaginal birth, 3rd degree tear. I was told the u/s machines at the dr's office are better than the ones at the hospital and my weight u/s was accurate for me, although they can be off. Recovery was not bad at all! @alwayzbeenurz2008
  • Pressure point between thumb and pointer finger worked for me
  • @biffymnstr pressure point?... how does that wrk?
  • @biffymnstr yeah how do i do that? I have yet to have any contractions that are painful.. i have BH from time to time but they dont hurt my belly just gets tight..
  • Look up 'pressure points to induce labour' on YouTube it shows a bunch of different ones that might help :-)
  • So today ive drank 3 glasses of cinnamon tea, bounced on the ball, walked more then i normally do and just tried a little of the pressure points. (Kinda freaked my self out because my legs are swollen and i was doing a pressure point and left a huge indent in my leg lol) But all im feeling is like my legs are gonna fall off! Kinda think of pulling a chicken leg off or turkey leg how you have to bend and twist it around, i feel like someone did that to me. & my crotch feels really bruised other then that he is still in there :) I will keep this up though. I went a bought cinnamon sticks to do the tea some more, also found that walking quickly makes me hurt a bit, that means its working right?! LOL :)
  • U insert 2 of the epo into your whooha I have short fingers so its kinda hard for me to get them up there but I do. Although I have been using it and haven't dilated or effaced anymore than I was prior to using it.
  • how long have you been using it? @kailiasmomma05
  • Over a week now I've been using the epo
  • As far as the pressure points it works better to have someone else press anthem because it should really hurt if youhave are pressing them hard enough
  • I've been doing EPO 3 orally with breakfast and 3 vaginaly while I'm in bed. And as of yesterday I'm drinking cinnamon tea. I was 11 days late with my son and he was 9lb 9.5oz so having a 7lb would seem small to me! They think this baby boy I'm having is going to be a 7lber though :)
  • im just scared to death he is gonna get to big, anyone know how much baby is to gain in the last few weeks? @mums_the_word Im just now starting the tea as we speak, then its off for a walk.. @biffymnstr Okay thank you ill have to have the bf or my mom help me out with that then, @kailiasmomma05 @mums_the_word im freaked out to put anything up there, does the capsule come back out? @tinka1326 @mommyxoxo2 @mama082711 @missq_firsttimemommy2be @lae3 Anyone know about the weight gain for baby in the last 2 weeks?
  • just drank some cinnamon tea and headed out for my walk..
  • back from my walk... well other then feeling super outa shape lol i have pain or bruised feeling in the vag area.. its just a tad worse then it was before lol. Now to boil me some more cinnamon tea :) and fold laundry while sitting on the ball..
  • Baby can gain up to a half a lb a week. And the epo dissolves inside your whooha. So the capsules won't come out but when u pee or stand the oil that's in them may leak.
  • Oh ok and okay I feel better knowing he is not gaining a whole lot before delivery.. Thank you @kailiasmomma05
  • Im 6 days overdue, 4cm dilated baby is fully engaged, have had 2 SS, lost my plug, had my bloody show... And still nothing...
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