help me im freakin out now

Ok It has been a total of 30 or 31 days since I had a period and me and my boyfriend were going to wait to make sure before we told our parents well he told his mother this morning not only does she scare the sh*t outta me I don't wanna cause problems in any way shape or form me and him r not the same religion so that only adds more problems to our situation. I need some help I don't need to stress or I will miscarry again and if I am pregnant I don't wanna lose this one. advice plz


  • Just talk to ur boyfriend about hos mom. Who knows maybe you have a wrong idea about how she's feeling right now. Sometimes a pregnancy changes things for the best.
  • My husband and I were not the same religion. I agree with Kayleigh talk to your boyfriend about it.
  • But I was baptist and he was jehaovas witness we don't really follow our families religions but they r still strict about it. So its bad because we r not married and not the same religions. I mean when he told me he talked to his ma all he said was that she wants us to take another test and he says she's not mad she is jus open minded about the situation but we were spilt up and I was watchin his niece still me and her had a talk and she was bound and determinded that he was going back to school not gettin married anytime soon and not having kids for a verrrry long time!!! Fml!!
  • I was catholic and my husband was baptist and his parents were mad. I think his dad was even more mad that I was not the same race. My husband talks to his family once a month now because of everything that has happened with them and I. He says he married me not the whole family and if they want to act like that then let them.
  • Me and my bf are not the same religion or even race. He's Muslim from Bosnia 24 years old and am Catholic and am Mexican and Guademalin 23 years old. We are also not married and not planning on getting married right away. I was so scared Wat his mom was gonna say but she is very accepting and so was his dad. Both of my parents are so happy. Told them separate cuz they are divorced. I would just relax and take it easy cuz it not good for u or the baby. Either way if she likes it or not its Ur twos babys and u two are starting a family. Hope all goes well
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