halloween blessing!!! :)



  • Praying for super super sticky baby dust!!! \:D/
  • yay!! ********tons and tons of sticky baby dust******** you deserve this blessing! so excited for you!
  • Yay! \:D/ I am so happy for you!!!
  • Congratulations to you!
  • wow congrats! How far along do you think you are? & on the topic of insurance I dont think medicaid can deny a pregnant woman?
  • edited October 2011
    @mszcastillo tm it says I'm 5 weeks... still early! But i know i ovulated oct 3 & baby danced (we only had sex 2 other times this month bc he was gone but i wasnt ovulating ... according to the apps i should have ovulated a few days later so i may be a few days ahead of how they figure things out.

    I thought to get medicaid u had to fall into an income bracket?
  • EVERYONE ...I've been feeling way crampy today & on & off the past couple days. Is that ok?
  • Aww this makes me tear up! Congrats and I hope you have a beautiful and healthy baby!
  • OMG!! Congratulations girl!!!!!!! I knew your time was coming soon. I'm beyond happy for you!
  • I've heard and read its ok to feel light cramping as long as there's no blood
  • I could not be happier for you!!!!! You deserve all the happiness a little bundle brings. As far as the cramping, I wouldn't worry too much - but try to take it easy and stay off your feet for a bit. I always feel like my period is about to start - which includes cramps - at the beginning of pregnancy. Wouldn't hurt to call your doc tomorrow, just for peace of mind, though. I'm sure you and your little peanut are perfect and I am so glad to hear this news!! I was so hoping that's what you were going to be talking about when I saw your post!! Yay for you and your hubby, so fantastically awesome! :D
  • Congrats!!! Make sure you take it easy and relax!!!! I'm happy for you and hubby!!!
  • Oh sweetie I am sooooo happy for you!!!!!!! This an amazing blessing!!! Congrats to you & your hubby!!!! I can't even put into words how excited for you I am!!! ;-) :-) <3 :-D
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 so excited for you, love!! Light cramping is normal first trimester. It happened when you didn't expect it, and that's the coolest part!! Squee :) xoxo
  • The first sign of my pregnancies were cramping...that's usually how I know I am pregnant and to buy a test lol
  • Congratulations tons of sticky healthy baby dust
  • Very very happy for u! I knw how bad Uve prayed for this, an it truely brought tears of happiness when I read this. Ur gona b a great mommy an u truely deserve this! Prayers for a healthyy baby r being sent Ur way! Congratulations x 10000000000
  • congrats! sad tho that now all my ttc circle is pregnant. im so happy for you tho!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Omgosh yes! Finally!!! :D I'll keep you in my prayers!!! *sticky dust*
  • Congrats gurl, I'm glad ur time finally camera. ..I'm more than happy for u, take it easy and stay off ur feet...sending u tons nd tons of sticky baby dust ur way.
  • Sooooo flipping happy for you!!!! :D big congratulations! !
  • Congrats, I am so excited for you.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Yayyyyy!! :) I'm so glad u finally get your time hun! You have been a great support to all us preglies :) this is awesome! Congrats I'm excited for you! Have uadd ur first appt yet or are u gonna wait till u tell your hubby? That's what i did so he could go with me to it :)
  • ooh and Medicaid can't deny u if u have proof of the pregnancy like a note from your obgyn, try it. it can't hurt to check hun!
  • edited October 2011
    I'm whipping out the honey and molasses this kid is sticking! Yay for the baby dust fairy angel!
  • I'm am honestly so happy and excited for you. Congratulations.
  • I hate that i can't tag! Ahhh

    Feeling tired, but so happy & really really positive.

    This is our blessing! Thank u everyone, for all the love!
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