Ugh I am addicted to it! I could never live that way, but I believe everyone has a right to live their lives as they see more poower to them!
Shee seems lile it when u watch her on tv. Ehhh i felt so bad for her when robin broke the news about being pregnant cause of how bad she wish she could have More
Yeah the whole sex thing has crossed my mine did robin have to get checked before joining the marriage? So the others could be protected.....hhmmmm
Oh my gosh I've been watching it like crazy. And I think they have a right to do whatever its their life but I could never do it. And I agree I think robin is needy in one episode over of the wives actually said they try and be careful around her because she is sensitive.
I agree I was sad for her to, but I think she handled it really well! I also feel like Cody favors Robi....she seems really needy...