NEED ADVICE:Hospital 2 days in a row, regular contractions (Cervical Scar Tissue?)

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
The day before yesterday (Saturday), I woke up and had a thick green discharge, later in the day I started having bad lower back pains and period like cramping. I took a nap, and when I woke up and used the restroom I had bloodclots and bleeding. I called the OB on call, and he referred me to L&D. I went there and my BP was 156/105, I had a fever of 101.5, and was having regular contractions every 5 minutes. They checked me, and I was at 2 cm and 50% effaced. I was 35+5, and they didn't want me going into labor yet, so they gave me some shots to stop the contractions and sent me home on strict bedrest. The next day (yesterday, Sunday), I woke up and hurt all over. By lunch the contractions started all over and were stronger. Then the bleeding started again as well, with larger blood clots. I again called the OB on call, which turned out being my actual doctor, and he said to meet him at the hospital. I went, BP was high again at 146/101, fever was lower at 99.9, and my contractions were 3 minutes apart. They checked me and I was 3 cm and still 50% effaced. They had me walk the halls for an hour to see if they could get me to progress, and although my contractions got stronger and closer I did not dialate or thin out anymore. He did say after examining me much more in detail, and more PAIN, that I have a good amount of cervical scar tissue built up at the bottom of my cervix. I have had 3 leeps, 2 cryotherepies, and 1 d&c. He said the baby was right there pushing on it, and the top of my cervix was trying to progress, but the bottom band of scar tissue was stuck at 3. So he again sent me home. He said to rest as much as possible and walk as much as I felt like it. I'm 36 weeks today, my mucus plug has passed, I'm still having the bloody show, and contracting. I'm so darn frustrated! He wont help me progress for another week, so I'm on my own. I am exhausted, and I hurt! But since my health isn't at risk and baby is doing great, I have to just wait it out!! ;'( Anyone have any ideas that might help?! I'm desperate!! I have a 2 year old to take care of as well!


  • Im sorry your having a hard time mama! I hope you dont hv to wait the week
  • @misselfae Thank you! I'm having a tough time with this. Its just got me all worked up and emotional, and I haven't slept. I'm just sore and exhausted!
  • Thats not good. My bp went that high and they had me induced. I would ask yourdr. About your bp cause it could be an issue
  • @crazyhmommy I had sever preeclampsia with my 2 year old and they induced me as well at 34+5. I have no developed it yet this time, and hopefully won't, but I have had pregnancy induced hypertension since about 24 weeks. It hasn't been all that had thus far, but the last few days its been real high, he said he thinks it is higher than usual due to the contractions I've been having for 48+ hours and the shots, not sleeping, and the pains my cervix is putting me in. Were watching is closely, but at this point he isn't seeming all that concerned. I would really like he to cook another week as well, just to give her lungs a chance to be more developed, but idk how much more of this I can take!
  • I had scar tissue too, momma. 2 leeps and a cone biopsy. I couldnt progress past 3cm until the doctor got in there and broke up the band of scar tissue. This happened after I had my epi. Usually docs are able to run their fingers around the band of scar tissue to stretch it and break it up. They wont do it until you are in active labor and have had an epi because it is really painful. Good luck to you. Hang in there, you are almost there!
  • @new_baby_in_oct Thank you! Its good to know there is something they can do!! I was getting worried I'd have to have a c section. I just hope I don't continue like this for a whole week, its been two days and I'm exhausted! Though the contractions aren't necessarily painful, they are very uncomfortable and over the last 2 days they've made me just sore. But its the sharp stinging I'm having from my cervix trying to dialate that hurts. Its horrible! Did this same thing happen to you?
  • Yes, I had cervical pain. I had a cerclage so it may have been related to that. I was really worried about a csec too, but the docs assured me they could break up the scar tissue while I was in labor. Sure enough, they did. I was stalled at 3cm all day and as soon as they got in and broke up the tissue things moved along very fast. You should be fine. They said in extreme cases that they rarely have to do a csec. I think bouncing on a birthing ball helped get me started. Good luck!
  • Maybe trying some evening primrose capsules up there to help soften the damaged tissues could help. I had only very minor scar tissue after my procedure so wasn't a problem with my births.
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