PLEASE tell me its gonna end!!!!!
im so stressed!!.. like ive never been! im a ftm & im due nov. 2nd..last week i went to the dr. & i was completely closed baby hasnt dropped at all! i havent lost my plug & i havent had ONE contraction... its like its never gonna happen for me... even tho im glad some of the girls due around the same days as me already had their babies, im like "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" im gonna be here forever..
@myHEARTZx3 really!! I thought the pain would gradually build up? Like over a period of weeks! I didn't knw it could happen all of a sudden.. lol I feel silly.. even if my cervix is completely closed!?
With number 2 I had contractions from 35 weeks and went a week overdue and had a 2 hour 10min labour and almost had her in the car lol
Just remember everyone is different and every pregnancy and labour is different so just because it seems like your body isnt cooperating now doesnt mean it wont once it decides its baby time.
@ourlittlenugget thats very true! but as u get closer the days get longer! i cant even imagine how it feels to be overdue.. do u have an induction date?
@babynumber02 that makes me feel way better! my fam was telling me the same thing but i wanted to hear a real life experience lol
@tinka1326 wow!!! totally opposite lol its cuz i get frustrated cuz there isnt even a sign lol ughhhh but i guess ill just be patient..!!!
@darknesofnight4u im scared of csec hopefully she does turn!
@clope18 yeaa ur right I should enjoy my last days cuz I knw for sure that I'm gna miss it!.. I'm hoping after he's here time goes by real slowly lol