castor oil ???

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm gonna try th castor oil tomorrow morning.. I'm going to mix it with orange juice how much do I mix.?? How long does it take to hit u??


  • Read my labour story if you like. I took it straight, a table spoon at a time and chased it with coke.
  • 2 oz u should start with and it could take effect normally within 12 hours could be sooner or later. Good luck I tried 4 times first 2 I puked it up within mins of drinking it and 2 just gave me stomach cramps and diarrhea. But I did have success with it with my last pregnancy.
  • I took 2tblspns today at 4:00 pm mixed with 4oz of oj and its done nothing for me but make me have very little gas. :( but I took it with my youngest son and it send me into labor. I think they say it could take up to 6 hours to work. Good luck hun.
  • ive been doing a tbl spoon and hr all day.. but i take the castro oil, and then i down it with the orange juice.. cause i cant take the texture.. i wouldnt mix it cause it doesnt mix well. in a cup.. cause its like oil and water lol.. good luck it hasnt worked for me yet .. im not expecting it too.. i got a good case of diareah though.. lol.. just stay near the restroom.. %%- (*)
  • How much do I mix 2 oz with..? And if I do it by table spoon how many table spoons an hr
  • You could still do 2 tblspns with 2 oz and I believe if you do it hourly most of the ladies do one tblspn per hour. They have lots of different ways and mixtures on bing if you wanna look it up
  • Ok thank u I jus don't wanna over do it
  • Your welcome hun... I've found that bing is tons better than Google
  • @tinka1326 I hope it works for me as well as it did for u
  • Will keep my fingers crossed for you
  • What is enema
  • It's a bottle filled with water and has an applicator u stick it up your bum and it makes u go number 2.
  • Can th castor oil make me lose my mucuos plug I've been having mucous discharge but lil at a time
  • Should I do a table spoon every hr.??
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