Hey I've got around 12 but have only used around 6of them. I do washing everyday so pretty much use the same ones and the others are unisex and for some reason i can't seem to put them on my daughter lol its weird.. i say 10-15 is plenty if your washing all the time
Do u need less of the larger sizes? Everyone told me not to bother to much with the 3 months because he won't wear them that long. I only have one about 3 of the nb and around 10 of the three months. I will have to do laundry every two days at least because we decided not to use disposable diapers. Going down too one income is going to be a strain so I decided to cut as many corners as possible, diapers just seem like a waste to me. And they r horrible for the environment so I can do my part. Lol we will see if that last more than six months.
@jellybeaning11 lol th as ts funny u don't wanba put her in the unisex color..were they gifts? I have only bought pink I didn't even wanna buy purple. I had no babyshower this time so I love being able to have picked out everything. But yeah I am a stay at home mom so I can wash pretty often...i think 15 would be enough.
@candy101 yeah I have 8 of the newborn because those def won't fit for long but 0/3 months they can wear for a while. 27 is way too much I didn't realize I already had alot until I layed them all out and counted. I just want her clothes to fit and not be too big. I was just trying to buy nb and 0/3 for now mainly because I will have time to buy the 3/6 months later when she grows out of them.
And kudos to u on the cloth diapers. I am just way to lazy for that lol bad.
I guess it depends on your baby's size...my daughter is 8 weeks old and she can still fit into NB clothes. She's short and thin. Even though NB clothes say up to 8 lbs ...my daughter is 10 pounds and still wears them. 0-3 months are long on her and big in the stomach area. I have around 15 NB Onsies and 25 0-3 Onsies. Do you know the estimated weight of your baby?
My baby is 3 weeks old and I havent even used one of her onesies. She is in sleepers all the time. but thats mostly because I dont have socks to fit her tiny feet and I dont want them to freeze lol
i have alot like 30 of 3-6 months and ive been going through 4 almost every day cause she spits up or hubby doesnt put the diaper on right smh. for me i think newborn sock were a waste for me but elizabeth is a june baby so no need for socks. now shes starting to wear them cause its getting cold
I have a dresser, 2 boxes, and the closet full of nb and 0-3 clothes. I have two friends that had baby girls last winter so they r all hand me downs. I know she Wont be able to wear everything...its way too much. And now I'm stuck with all the clothes bc I have no one to hand them down to lol
@redhead25 message me if you want to donate some of it. i know a mom that needs 0-3 months or anything you can give! im sending a package to that mom next week
ya takem back exchange for 3-6months.. they grow so darn fast and i think that you have plenty in that size.. its always good to be over prepared though.. so ..yeah..
@Cait_SeptemberMommy how much did ur baby weigh at birth? at 30 weeks she was 3 lbs 14 oz... she prob will be long because of daddy..her fingers were so long at her 4d ultrasound lol and i know baby girls can get away with wearing the onesies till they are snug haha do u think 25 is too much tho? maybe i will just return one 5 pack and i will left with 22?
@heyitsme lol aww i will be using alot of onesies because i live in hawaii where it doesn't get cold
@Proudmommy8789 ohh yeah i won't even know till shes here if she spits up alot so i guess i should keep around 20 to be safe. i just hope this baby doesn't grow out of it too fast. it just seems like alot of clothes for one little person lol. i bought socks too but i don't think she'll need much because it doesn't get cold here. even in december when shes born lol maybe just for when she sleeps.
@redhead25 ahh i forgot about the hand me downs too. i got 4 bags of clothes i haven't even looked thru fully yet but they look like they are bigger sizes with a few newborns
@lae3 yeah that is what i am worried about...her growing out of them too fast because my babies grow fast. i am just trying to figure out how much i should bring back...lol
My girl was 7pds 12ozs when she was born and she's almost 4 weeks and still in newborn clothes and diapers I'm about to move her to 1's on diapers tho. But the clothes still fit fine except one outfit is too small and alot are still big on her. I have a full dresser and half a closet of just newborns because alot of friends recently had girls and passed them down and plus baby shower. And she's wore alot of the clothes and some things that I like more, more then once lol. And I still have 2 trash bags of 0-3 and the other half of her closet for when she moves up a size lol
@myheartzx3 She weighed 6lbs 8oz at birth and she was 18.5 inches long. Hmm. at my 34 week ultrasound my daughter was 4lbs 15 ounces. Yeah, I think 22 would be good. I mean the ultrasound measurements can be off. The doctor right before I delivered, felt her in my belly and said she was going to be at least 9lbs...and she came out 6lbs, lol.
@chelcie89 I guess I need more newborns then lol. I am so bad I should know this stuff since I already had two kids...but I had baby showers so I had alot of clithes and didn't really need to buy much.but this time around I am buying everything so I have no clue on how much I should buy.
@mrsthompson34 I just returned one 5 pack today and got some newborn clothes. I guess I'll have to wait and see and I can buy more is I still need more.
My little guy started wearing some 3-6 mo clothes at 4 weeks. He still fits most of his 0-3 but no nb. He was 7lbs 11 oz at birth and now between 10 & 11 lbs
@heyitsme and anyone else who needs sock that will fit and stay on, Walmart has a 10 pack white Bobby socks, faded glory brand. They're awesome and the only ones that will stay on my little girls' tiny feet. Oh and its $5 fir the 10 pack
well my baby is a chunky little thing he is still in his 0-3 but the gerber onesies are too small his actual clothes that are outfits are a little too big and he is 2 months and 13 pounds his new born clothes he only wore once a piece but I did not mind too much but he will probably be able to wear them until mid november he is in a 2 pamper though
And kudos to u on the cloth diapers. I am just way to lazy for that lol bad.
@heyitsme lol aww i will be using alot of onesies because i live in hawaii where it doesn't get cold
@Proudmommy8789 ohh yeah i won't even know till shes here if she spits up alot so i guess i should keep around 20 to be safe. i just hope this baby doesn't grow out of it too fast. it just seems like alot of clothes for one little person lol. i bought socks too but i don't think she'll need much because it doesn't get cold here. even in december when shes born lol maybe just for when she sleeps.
@redhead25 ahh i forgot about the hand me downs too. i got 4 bags of clothes i haven't even looked thru fully yet but they look like they are bigger sizes with a few newborns
I'm from oahu too..pearl city