Really angry and upset :'(

So the dr gave me the okay to go on a trip to the spa with my mom and to visit my brother at college four hours away from home even though I'm 37+3 because my mom agreed to get me back for my appointment Tuesday (tomorrow) at 11am. Well now she's saying we're not leaving until Wednesday morning because she doesn't want to get up early tomorrow.. she would rather pay another $300 to stay another night then drive back tomorrow.. even though we've just been spending our time in our room laying in bed and going to the pool.. well Tuesday is my fiance's only day off and we make our appointments then so he can go, well now I'm going to have to reschedule for a different day and they'll probably be on that day for the rest of my pregnancy and he won't be able to go at all.. plus I was so looking forward to seeing him tomorrow :'( I miss him so much I just want to go home.. I'm going to cry :'(


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