PLEASE tell me its gonna end!!!!!

im so stressed!!.. like ive never been! im a ftm & im due nov. 2nd..last week i went to the dr. & i was completely closed baby hasnt dropped at all! i havent lost my plug & i havent had ONE contraction... its like its never gonna happen for me... even tho im glad some of the girls due around the same days as me already had their babies, im like "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" im gonna be here forever.. :/


  • i feel your pain, i've got like, an 8lb baby in there already and the doc keeps saying 'any day now' i'm not due till nov 13th but i'm SO ready for him to be here! i don't think i've had a single contraction (don't really know what to look for but people keep telling me i'll know when i have one) and monkey's moving is really painful... not to meantion all the pain and pressure between my legs, ugh, i'm so done being pregnant, i just want him here already! @happiestmommietobe
  • @damiens_mommy omg definitely alot of pressure lol how could i forget tht.. but thats it.. & my dr keeps saying im gonna go over..ugh i hate her haha
  • I feel u I'm due in November too she's breach and putting pressure badly on my tailbone and now it feels like some one is kicking me in the cooch lol it will be over soon :)
  • @darknesofnight4u thats horrible! lol i only feel his head pushing down but not too bad... lol ughhhhh it cant come fast enough
  • dont feel bad girl i was due last fri.. and im really ready.. lol.. but i geuss my lil man isnt.. at least i know i will have him by fri though.. so thats reasuring.. good luck and labor dust sweety!
  • Walk,walk, squats..have sed! It might not help a whole bunch but it'll get you somewhere
  • @lae3 wow! so ur gonna be induced? i couldnt imagine going past my due date..i'd cry so much lol but i think im headed in tht direction!
  • @lovinmyunborn lol i try girl! squats are hard but i walkk like crazy! i dnt like sex anymore but i let my hubby finish just so it can possibly help (sorry if tmi) lol i guess ill just keep walkinn
  • yeah it sucks but i already had it in my mind i would so even though im dissapointed in my body.. :-(( its not a shocker.. that and my first two both went past 41wks.. :O
  • u won't be preg forever! trust me.. ur lucky if u haven't had any contractions or pre labor pain... not everyone does. each time i went into labor i had no idea till the day of. it can all happen so fast. don't worry ;)
  • @lae3 dam girl! Well I wish u the best! Hopefully u go in before that!
    @myHEARTZx3 really!! I thought the pain would gradually build up? Like over a period of weeks! I didn't knw it could happen all of a sudden.. lol I feel silly.. even if my cervix is completely closed!?
  • im in the same boat as you Im gonna be preggo forever today is my due date and as of friday im high thick and only a 1 (barely) I worked at a daycare constantly bendi.g and lifti.g and walki.g so I didnt expect to see my due date (today :,( ) but idk when im getting induced wah im over this!!
  • Yup; lots of moms don't have contractions or lose their mucus plug until labor starts. I'm desperately trying to remember this as I'm a week past my EDD and haven't had a noticeable contraction all 9 months nor any bit of mucus plug. :-( But all babies come out eventually...!
  • I lost my plug and my water broke all in the same day. And had my son the next day. The week before at my appt. My Dr said nothing about my baby coming soon. I was 37w at my appt and 38 when I had him. So labor wasn't really on my drs mind when I had my appt. So in the matter of two days I went thru all the stages of labor. Good luck mama! I'm due Nov. 20th and feel like a whale that will never go into labor so I feel your frustration. But be patient it will happen :)
  • With my first I never had a contraction till it was baby time (5days overdue) and lost my plug in the first few hours of labour. It was a slower gradual labour and lasted about 17 hours but was still natural and a fantastic experience
    With number 2 I had contractions from 35 weeks and went a week overdue and had a 2 hour 10min labour and almost had her in the car lol
    Just remember everyone is different and every pregnancy and labour is different so just because it seems like your body isnt cooperating now doesnt mean it wont once it decides its baby time.
  • I wanna feel her flip they have to try and flip her or c section I don't want one
  • Yea I don't think its gonna end either lol
  • @moodymommie awww hunnie :/ that suks.. hopefully u get a date soon or labor comes!
    @ourlittlenugget thats very true! but as u get closer the days get longer! i cant even imagine how it feels to be overdue.. do u have an induction date?
    @babynumber02 that makes me feel way better! my fam was telling me the same thing but i wanted to hear a real life experience lol
    @tinka1326 wow!!! totally opposite lol its cuz i get frustrated cuz there isnt even a sign lol ughhhh but i guess ill just be patient..!!!
    @darknesofnight4u im scared of csec hopefully she does turn!
  • thanks.. me too.. :)
  • Me too Ty ill find out next wed what game plan is
  • Try evening pimrose to soften your cervix. I took it for a week and went into labor
  • No induction date... I'm trying really hard to avoid intervention and let my body and baby do what they're designed to. It's tough waiting especially with everyone in my family waiting on us, but baby is still happy and active every day so we'll keep holding out for now!
  • I am right there with you guys. I am due 10-31. I hate hearing you are still pregnant or I think it will be tonight because then I get let down when it doesn't happen. I lost my plug last Wed. and have had back aches and cramps but that's it! I'd rather have no signs. I keep thinking maybe this is it and then NOTHING! It is soooooo frustrating! I am breech too... I am scared of a c section so I won't schedule one. I am just hoping she will turn right before labor.
  • The day before I turned 39 wks my cervix was only a fingertip dilated & still thick. A week later, the day right before my due date, I was 1-2cm & 50% effaced. Doc told me I could go into labor that night or next if I walked. So that's what I did. Hours later I was in labor! Just stay active. I was @ the mall everyday the week before I popped. Walk walk walk!!!
  • @oc86 wow thats crazy!! im def not giving up on walkinn..
  • I felt like it was never going to end too :( its a horrid feeling! But I have good news for you!!! I have never met a woman who was pregnant forever!!
  • Agh I felt the same way, I had him 5days after my due date via c-section. But don't rush it girl, enjoy your alone time now & try to get some rest cuz once baby comes its all baby 24/7 & before you know it will be 5weeks old like mine
  • @sunshinelove lol neither have I so that's a good sign ;) hahahaha
    @clope18 yeaa ur right I should enjoy my last days cuz I knw for sure that I'm gna miss it!.. I'm hoping after he's here time goes by real slowly lol
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