How many moms were told....

That there babys are big and they ended up smaller then what the doctor was thinking???


  • Really how do they mess it up? And how big were they thinking your babys were? @bigbelly @kimalee2288
  • Well my daughter was supposed to be smaller but she was 9 pounds. Right before giving birth they said she was 8 pounds.
  • I was told mine was too small at the hospital before delivery but she came out 6lb 12oz
  • The nurse measured me 35 weeks when i was 38.4 she wanted to stop labor!
  • I was told I was having A very small baby- she was 6 13
  • I'm measuring 36 weeks and I'm almost 39 but on u/s the baby is measuring over 7 lbs. They can be off give or take a lb. But I know my dates are right it was only in my last 8 weeks did I start measuring smaller cuz he's so far in my pelvis. But I never knew what my other kids sizes were.
  • Me ... with my first they said he was almost 7 and he was only 5 14
  • edited October 2011
    I'm still pregnant (37 almost 38 weeks). Doc said she'll be bigger than the 7.3 both my sons were. They say I'm measuring a week bigger and that she'll be over 8 pounds. The size of my rock hard belly I'm guessing she's huge and really I just want her to pop out already cause she's ruining my body (lol just noticed some fashionable stretch marks on my stomach- they'll fade though lol) . Hoping she'll be the size of both my sons though (7lb 3 oz).
  • They measured my son to b 9.14 but he was 8.13 they say a pound off either less or more
  • Wow its crazy how many people that actuall happeneds to my doctor is taking my son early because he's already 7lbs 11oz I'm hoping she's a bit off... because I'm so little I don't see how he's that big lol plus I'm scared to death he will be to big for me.
    @ginaa412 @meldya @blessed1508 @kailiasmomma05 @hopes_mummy @heyitsme @janet_2011 is anyone a sonographer or know how they measure their weight? The sono tech asked me to turn on my left side so she could get a look a his face because he is head down facing my back and to me I just think she couldn't really get a good look. But every where she looked you could barely tell what we were
  • Me! Baby born 7lbs
  • me! They said my baby was over 7lbs n he came out 6lbs 10oz.
  • With my oldest, they said she was 8 lbs 6 oz and she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz at birth. With the new baby, they said she weigh 6 lbs 6 oz and she weighed 7 lbs 4 oz. So I've had one wrong in both directions. This time, at my last ultrasound, the doctor mentioned that she couldn't get a good measurement on her head and they take 3 measurements and average them somehow to "guess" the weight, so if any of the three is a little off, you won't get an accurate estimate.
  • They told me that my first was almost 7 lvs at 6 months and was gonna be over 8 at by. Turned out she was only 6 lbs 14 oz thats it at birth :-)
  • They told me at 38 weeks that Ella was 9 pounds I was induced at 39+4 and had a terrible 2 day induction and she came out weighing 7lbs 15 oz.
  • I'm was told at 34 weeks 7 lbs had him a week later at 6lbs14.5 oz so I say that's about as close as you can get.
  • They said with my daughter 7. 14 but she was 6 11, with my son right before my csection they said 6. 2 and he was.6. 1 so they were close the second time!
  • They measure the babies head, stomach, and femur bone. The computer then inputs all the calculations and it gives them a weight and gestational age based on measurements. So its not always accurate as u can see. Hope this helps.
  • Told me at 41 weeks will be 8lbs that's from a u/s then at 41+5 when i was in tabott she 8lb but he was born 9lb13oz
  • I'm hoping they're wrong about Damien. At 33 weeks the doc said he was 6lbs...goddess only knows how big he will be now that I'm 37 weeks
  • Me! They said 9-9.5 baby and she was 7lbs 14ozs. They told my gf she was having a 10lb baby and induced her, he was 5lbs, 6ozs!!!
  • They told me over 10 pounds but he was only 6.13oz lol really? That far off???! To be fair I had extra fluid but still....
  • Lol man I cant wait to see my little one
  • They told me at 35 weeks, she weighed 6lbs 9oz and would be over 8.5lbs at delivery. I delivered on my due date and she only weighed 7lbs 6oz.
  • My friend was, told her baby was supposed to be 10lbs and was 7.3. My ultrasound tech never told me cause they say its miss leading but if there was a growth problem they would say something.
  • when my mom was prego with me they told her i was twin boys and i was well over 9 lbs lol well im not a boy im a girl and i was like 6lbs and 9 oz lol i havent gotten my babys size sence i was 32 weeks which she was 4lbs and 4 oz measuring at 36 weeks so i asked them to measure her at my last ultrasound they said they werent checking that just the fluid around her bc of the external version im going to need to get
  • My dr was so sure that my baby was gonna be 10 or 11 lbs that she urged me to opt for a c section for fear that the baby wldnt get passed my pelvis but I'm stubborn, went through 30 hours of hard labor and my daughter came out 7lbs 1oz!!! So I'm glad i didn't get the c section!! :)
  • They told me my baby was measuring small an he was 8lbs 5oz when born
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