how bad does a sweep hurt

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I wanna ask for a sweep at my 38 week appt in the morning but I'm kinda a chicken lol. Does it hurt like really bad and does it stay hurting?


  • My supervisors daugther said it hurt and she was bleeding afterwards..I'll be 38 weeks thurs and I'm scared to get it...checking for dilation hurts me...smh
  • To me it hurt like hell but so did getting checked!
  • @qweennique did it work for u?
  • edited October 2011
    It definitely did! I was shocked because I didn't even cramp nor bleed afterwards! But less than 18hrs later I had my baby girl!
  • Doesn't hurt me. But I've had 3 kids.
  • Ahhhh I think in gonna suck it up and ask lol I wanna meet my baby! I'm pretty sure we have decided on the name Zachary too!
  • I thought it hurt! But I hated getting checked. My doctor did it twice. The second time he did it, I had my daughter 12 hours later!! It does make you bleed and cramp a little. Be sure to stay active after your sweep! Good luck!
  • it didn't hurt me just a bit of pressure but it didn't do anything, i had to get induced lol
  • Will they only do it for a medical reason? Or can o just be like I want this lol? @Kristaf22
  • That enema scares me lol
  • Never hurt me, over here midwife won't do one till your 41 weeks :( sometimes 40 if its a nice midwife lol, i got told to go for long walk afterwards to help it along good luck
  • For me I had it done with my last 2 pregnancies. They were 2 different doctors and the first one hurt more. Whatever he did it worked so I didn't care. I had my Dr do it yesterday and it hurt but not as bad as before. I'd rather have it hurt and get results to be honest with u;)
  • Seriously it doesn't hurt that bad! It drives me crazy when I hear women saying how it was unbearable, if that causes you so much pain then good luck with handling a babies head coming out! This is my third pregnancy and third time having it done, its really not a big deal, a little uncomfortable followed by some cramps. I think women just like to be dramatic and scare others. But I had both of my previous children without drugs and this one will be the same (not because I'm trying to be brave or anything but because I can't handle pain meds very well) so I guess compared to labor and delivery its a breeze!
  • Thanks everyone! I have my appt at 1245 so ill let u guys know what happens!
  • I'm nervous to go too lol
  • @brittbeck no offence, and everyone is entitled to there own oppinions but that's realy no fair of you to say. Yes some women do exagerate a that but others dont, not everyones uterus or cervix are the same. It may hurt more for others who are more sensitive and less for ones that are not. No one knows the level discomfort while getting a sweep or getting checked other than the woman going threw it. When I would get checked it hurt pretty damn bad to the point of tears in my eyes, because I have an easely iritated cervix, and I pushed my baby out just fine with no pain medication.

    P.s NOT trying to start drama, just take in to account not every woman handles pain the same.
  • I agree that everyone has different levels of pain tolerance and sensitivity, didn't mean to sound so harsh, I just think that some women go on and on about it and it scares the crap out of these women who are waiting to have theirs done. Just trying to show that it doesn't hurt that bad for everyone. I just know how anxious you feel as a first time Mom and don't think we should be freaking them out.
  • @krista22 is enema that thing that thing that looks like a douche but it goes in the "other” end? Lol
  • Just left drs she did the sweep! It didn't hurt at all! Just felt some pressure that's it :) I'm 2 cm and 70% effaced
  • Hope baby comes soon!
  • @krista22 lmao you crack me up! Wish I had some advice for ya but unfortunately we are in the same boat! Unless you wanna try jumping up & down on the Couch lol I did & ended up in l&d but got sent home a few hours later
  • It was the worst pain I've ever felt! But I have very low pain tolerance. So far all it did was give me painful irregular contractions. It makes me nervous about labor pain my due date is in two days :-ss
  • So right now I just have pressure. I'm watching my friends little girl brooklynn until she's out of school then were gonna go walk around the mall! Then hopefully hubby didn't have too rough of a day at work cause he's gonna be busy before bed! ;) hopefully it works!
  • I had a sweep this mornin after two attempts at gel induction, it felt as bad as being checked but lasted a few more seconds, not bad reallyand very quick!
  • I had it done two days ago this is my first. Still having painful irregular contractions. I hope it's time soon this stinks.
  • It hurt me lol I was in labor for 3days including the same day they did it. It took a lil longer for me :p
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