What did you do before your Gender Ultrasound?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm going to an Ultrasound center to find out the sex of my baby in three weeks. The woman I made my appointment with said to eat a small snack (apple, orange) 20 minutes before and that I don't need a full bladder. But I've also heard its better to have a full bladder to see the baby more clearly, drink caffeine before so the baby isn't sleeping, eating candy, etc. My baby was stubborn at my last ultrasound, because it just kinda laid there and rolled over. I'm scared the baby is not gonna open its legs... What has worked for you when you found out the sex? What didn't work?


  • One the full blade no good they just make you pee so they can see I don't think it really matters what you do to get them up the tech knows there job and has lots of tricks my boy was all like here I am mom and dad but my soon to be daughter is like its none of your business but the tech found out lol
  • They wanted me to have a full bladder n I drankhalf a cup of coffee so she would move around it worked for me
  • Oj and powdered donuts worked for me :) with a full bladder
  • I've also heard OJ, I wonder why that works.
  • Ice water is what my doctor told me to drink when I thought I didn't feel the baby moving. I did it before my gender us and it worked then too.
  • I had a turkey burger n dr pepper right before.....worked for me
  • I wasn't told to eat anything and they made me empty my bladder. If she wasn't laying right, the tech just jiggled the wand on my belly to make her turn. It was pretty funny. Good luck :)
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