my son has eczema

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering if any other mother on here has a baby with eczema or a baby that had eczema and what you do to control it or when it left Im really worried about my poor son


  • i had eczema really bad behind my ears when i was little and it would go away after a few days if i didnt touch it and i made sure i always kept it dry. if it ever gets wet, dry it asap very thoroughly. but i used to pick it heaps when i was a kid and thats why it got really bad... i just noticed my son has started getting it behind his ears too :( he is only 8 weeks old so he doesnt pick it but every time i give him a bath it gets worse. so yeah dry it straight away and my nurse said if its not too bad then a little sorboline can help but if its cracked, open skin then maybe you should see a doctor about getting some cream. but i warn you, quarterzone creams actually make it worse in the long run if you overuse them. be very sparing with it :)
  • My daughter has it too, I use unscented baby aveno lotion on her and if its bad I use hudrocortisone 1% on the spots
  • My oldest had it. It's not anything to worry about. The Dr can give you suggestions for it.
  • I have it and my hubbie does and my niece w her she's only 1 we use lubedurm lotion it works very good on her intact I have to buy some my daughter might have it too
  • My son has it on his face, arms and chest. His doc suggested we use Vanicream on him. Its a thick cream sold at CVS. We've only been using it for a few days and already the redness and dryness look better.
  • My son has it behind his ears too! Has since he was tiny. He's 7 now, still there. Keep it clean & dry. During winter & summer I put hydrocortizone & hypoallergenic lotion there. Spring & fall, just lotion.
  • @Smiley17 why does the quartizone not work that's what im using for my son right now
  • @Pinkigirl has his eczema ever spread anywhere else @proudmomma did ur sons eczema go away completely and if it did how old was he when it left
  • Keep it well moisturized, I use california baby calendula lotion, its an all natural lotion that works really great for us. Hydrocortisone is something we only use if super necessary, especially when she was tiny, its a corti-steroid so I personally preferred to not use it, my pediatrician felt the same way. Good luck!
  • Aveeno and aquaphor are good
  • I have eczema. Stay away from fragrances! Use fragrance free detergents, soap, shampoo, and lotions. Best lotions are aquaphor, eucerin, aveeno. Also, make sure you keep your baby away from dust, dirt, carpet, ect...
  • No never spread. Just behind his ears, but the dr said I take good care of it. Don't know thats why
  • My daughters eczema went away around two or three but would lightly come back once in a while but she's 11 now and hasn't had it. Its something that will never leave your body but its nothing serious. I have psoriasis and that is way worse
  • How old is your baby?
  • My youngest had it as a baby on her cheeks, it went away. Sometimes she'll get it on her arms(crease) or behind her knees. Can't remember the oil the dr prescribed (it was 2 yrs ago) but Colgate makes a really good soap..its an ugly yellowish brownish color but it works!
  • I use babyganics "bye bye dry" on my son every night after his baths and it keeps his excema under control. Also triple paste makes a cream for excema that works well too. I use it when his skin is really bad.
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