dying hair

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Is it safe to dye your hair I'm around 6 weeks pregnant


  • I was 13 weeks when my doctor said it would be safe. She said its best to be into your 2nd trimester. But she also said as long as your in a well ventilated area and aren't breathin in the fumes its safe. I always wear a dust mask when I dye mine so that I can't smell the fumes.
  • Thanks :) guess I'll have to wait luckily its dark hair dying red so roots not bad haha
  • My doctor also told me as long as the smell doesn't bug u its all fine I just got my hair done I couldn't stand the roots :)
  • I dye mine red too :)
  • I'm a hairdresser...every doctor has a different opinion but as long as you're not putting bleach on your scalp you should be fine...
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