ATTN: Little Mr. Emilio Zachary

This is your official eviction notice.
Son please come out, the doctor is worried you are going to get to big for mommy to deliver, & mommy really doesn't want a c-section so please work with me and come on your own so the doctor doesn't want to drug us up and take you early. We are talking about an induction date of Nov.10th your original due date was Nov.15th so please work with mommy and start trying to make your birthday before the night of the 9th i want this to be a good and easy process on both of us, and pitocin inst it son! Mommy loves you very much and i can not wait to meet you. Lets make it sooner then later.. :)


  • I love it! We are due the same day my dr wants to induce on the 8th since that is 39 weeks. Mine is for scheduling at work and being so far from the hospital though. My next appt is Thursday and I am going to see if we can do this any sooner!
  • Lucky! Im scared lol but ready to hold my lil fat boy @meredith83
  • I was induced with my daughter and I really don't remember much of it but that was almost 8 years ago. Plus we are an hour away from the hospital, I guess I am less scared of induction and riding on the extremely bumpy interstate in full blown labor. I thought I was last week and my husband refused to go over 70mph! Contractions were every 3 minutes and he rufused to break the speed limit! They stopped labor that time though.
  • Lol I can just picture that lol I would be very upset if that was me lol
  • I'm in the same boat hon. No induction date yet, but the doc is seriously concerned he's too big to deliver.
  • Its super scary isnt it? Are you a ftm? & when are you due?
  • @Alwayzbeenurz2008 We are officially 37 weeks! Now that they are full term the boys can come anytime!
  • I know I'm so happy! And I had my 1st real contraction last night. It wasn't very painful but I deff no the difference now lol. @meredith83 I didn't have anymore tho its kinda discouraging but I know he will he when he is ready or they will be inducing me the 10th anyways..
  • Wow. My doctor told me yesterday I'm gonna have a small baby. Its kinda scary too. Trying to hold out the new birthing center opens Monday.
  • @quinnandtallonsmom dont worry ive noticed from talking with other pregly's the sonographers can be off any where from 1-2 pounds heavier or lighter. Im just hoping for them being a little off for my fat boy :) I hope all goes well for you.. When are you due?
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