Moms that had schduled c section.

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies! So I just got schduled for nov,14 for a c sec.. I'm very nervous about it.. So many they do cathater after spinal or before? How bad does spinal hurt?? Do they tie you down during surgery?? I want to be able to touch her when they show her to me... Can someone fill me in?


  • They did the catheter after the spinal. The spinal isn't too bad. It just burns more than anything. I know here in Michigan its procedure for your hands to be strapped down. When your little one is taken out and cleaned and quickly assessed they will bring he/ she to you. Or your spouse can hold them and show you. Usually when you are in recovery if all is going well you will be able to hold and start nursing if you wish.
  • Yeah they do the cathater when u first come in while they are prepping u for surgery.... right when getting the IV and stuff... the spinal doesn't hurt at all.. they numb the area 1st.. it might hurt if it takes more than one time to put it in, but that all depends on u if ur positioned right.. it took them 3sticks with me because I wasn't sitting right and that 2nd stick hurt my left leg like hell... yes both arms are tied to the table loosely though... I wasn't able to touch my baby until 6hrs later after recovery, but I did get to see him and kiss him...

    This was my second section and it was not bad at all and recovery was much easier this time around.
  • @mommy_2 why did you have to wait six hours before seeing your baby??? I will be super mad if I can't see her right when I'm done getting stiched and in my there a reason you have to be tied down? I just am very protective and feel like the baby should be with mommy asap..
  • My c section
    730-iv, fluids, antibiotics, & monitors
    930-walked to OR
    2nd-spinal=a million sticks & 3diff ppl
    after that they started cutting but i didn't feel a thing, no pressure but i got nauseas and started throwing up.
    after they weighed her they unstrapped my arms at my request and i got to touch her and kiss her. After i was sewn up and bandaged she came to recovery with me.
  • @everyone thankyou! I was super concerned I wouldnt get to see her right after! My mind is relieved
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