16 days till my dd andddd

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like I'm going to be over due ughhh! Can I be induced if I ask my doc? Or do you have to have a medical reason?


  • edited October 2011
    Lol I have 16 days left too and I just asked the same thing you should look at my post :)
  • I have 12 days and I'm already going crazy!! Get out baby! I wish you luck I hope you have your baby before your DD. We both need labor dust:)
  • I asked my doctor and she didn't have a problem with it. Worst thing that could happen is you ask your doctor and they say no.
  • You can ask but they can't induce until 39 weeks without a medical reason. And some Dr will allow elective inductions others don't.
  • I just told my doctori can't wait any longer and I need to have her now. So I'm getting induced in 4 days which is 1 day before my due date. So I would just tell you doc and asked to be induced and if your cervix is favorable they might do it.
  • @charliebby1116 I just saw it lol guess we are both on the sane page..when is your next app?
    @cfa I've been in early labor for a week! & the doc didn't even check my cervix for change yesterday ughh
  • OOpps @navybabyontheway my doc is a b lol she pisses me off cause she thinks she's miss know it all

    @August22baby I honestly don't think my evil doc will induce me she's snotty & think she knows everything about how I feel! And omg 29 hours? Why was it so long? & I'll have to keep that in mind

    @soontobe that's good! Goodluck & let me know how it goes

  • I am being induced in 12 days due to gestational diabetes and now my blood pressure is getting up there.. but I still want him out before I don't want pitocin :(
  • Not until next Friday :( I had one scheduled for tues but with a mid wife instead of my doc so I would love to be able to ask my actually doctor about something like that
  • Most inductions end up making labor longer than it would've originally been, and a lot end up in c_sections.. I'm anxious too! But baby will come when baby is ready.. no need to force baby out unless medically necessary. Enjoy the time you have with just baby and you (I know all of this is easier said than done cause I'm soooo ready to hold my lil man) its hard to be patient at this point!
  • Most don't induce before 39 weeks
  • I was inducted with my 2nd and it went very well. Only 7 hours and no c section. No tears it was great. My 1st one was 14 hours and my water broke i did tear a little with him. But my induction went well and i plan on getting induced with this one as well.
  • I'm technically overdue and still avoiding induction at all costs. So many cause problems as mentioned because the body just isn't ready yet. Some are succcessful, but why risk it if you don't have to? Often, it's safest for baby to just wait if you can. TRUST me - I know that's not easy. ;-)
  • Just because you are having contractions does not mean you are in early labor, it isn't considered labor until you start making steady proggress toward change. Also inducing when your body isn't ready is hard on your body and hard on the baby. Pitocin is hard on the baby and should only be used when medically necessary, it often results in the baby passing stool while still in utero which can cause infection of the lungs if inhaled. You also will be significantly increasing your risk for a C-Section. You DR. may not be saying what you want to hear but she is a DR. and she probably knows what she is talking about. You arent the only pregnant women who is extremely uncomfortable so she is not going to treat you any different than her other patients. Sorry to sound rude but elective induction really doesn't seem necessary.
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